Closed Bug 161917 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

URL bar loses focus when a page has loaded, even if on a different tab or the user is currently typing


(SeaMonkey :: Location Bar, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tim, Assigned: hewitt)


If the user is currently typing in the URL bar, and a page is loaded, focus shifts to the content area.  This is probably because of the resolution to bug #42074, but it causes unwanted behavior in at least two cases:

1.  The page does a redirect due to a meta-refresh while the user is typing.
2.  (More irritating) a page load in a different tab completes while the user is typing an address on a different tabbed page.

Case 2 is particularly disorienting--the user can continue to type, with no visible result--what is happening is that keystrokes are getting routing to the just-loaded tab, even if it's not the currently-displayed one.
works for me with 2002080804 on Linux.

Which build are you using?
Observed in build 20020721.  Will upgrade to nightly and retest.

(The bug report page has a field for build id, but doesn't seem to add this
info to the report...)
#1 is bug 78636.

#2 works for me.  Were you loading a page that automatically focuses a form
field using javascript, such as  If so, you're hitting bug
125282 and bug 124750.
WFM with 2002091309/trunk/win2k.

no response from reporter for >30 days. resolving wfm.

reporter: if you can reproduce this with a recent build of mozilla, please
reopen this bug. thanks.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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