Closed Bug 1621312 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Massive Lag When Switching Languages while having Firefox Active on Windows


(Core :: Widget: Win32, defect)

74 Branch
Windows 10





(Reporter: ringil.sword, Unassigned)



(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Leave Firefox on for some time (typically this happens after 1-2 days of the program running)
  2. Switch Language Input via language bar hotkey from English to Japanese on Windows.

Actual results:

Massive Lag that freezes up Firefox for over 10 seconds

Expected results:

No/minimal lag. Switching languages does not cause other applications such as Chrome from lagging.

OS: Unspecified → Windows 10

Hi, ringil.sword!

Thanks for your contribution!

I couldn't reproduce the described behavior in:

Windows 10 Pro
Firefox 75.0b3 (64-bit)
Firefox Nightly 76.0a1 (2020-03-18) (64-bit)

Please let us know if this issue is reproduced in the latest Nightly edition. You can download it from here:

If you still have the issue please create a new profile, you have the steps here:

Once you have all this information, please let us know so we can continue investigating.


Flags: needinfo?(ringil.sword)


I tried on the latest Nightly and it was still an issue. I record a profiler on the developer edition. As you can see there is an approximate delay of 6 seconds before Firefox responds again after I activate the language switch.

Flags: needinfo?(ringil.sword)


I created a fresh profile with Nightly and have set up the situation.

Here's a profiler run

As you can see there are long parent process event processing delay of around 1 second. It gets worse as the process is alive longer.

I'm willing to create a memory dump for the process. However, attempting to follow the instructions do not work as the debugger cannot attach to the Nightly. Do I need to enable a debug setting for the Nightly build to allow debugging? If so can you direct me to any documentation for that?


Flags: needinfo?(sebastian.scherer)

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: Untriaged → Graphics
Product: Firefox → Core

Can you attach the contents of about:support as a text file?

Flags: needinfo?(ringil.sword)
Attached file support.txt
Flags: needinfo?(ringil.sword)
Attached file support-text.txt
Blocks: wr-76
Component: Graphics → Graphics: WebRender

The profile has big chunks of time spent in imetip.dll. This looks like an IME problem.

Component: Graphics: WebRender → Widget: Win32
No longer blocks: wr-76
Flags: needinfo?(sebastian.scherer)

The priority flag is not set for this bug.
:jimm, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)

Because this bug's Severity has not been changed from the default since it was filed, and it's Priority is -- (Backlog,) indicating it has has not been previously triaged, the bug's Severity is being updated to -- (default, untriaged.)

Because this bug's Severity has not been changed from the default since it was filed, and it's Priority is -- (Backlog,) indicating it has has not been previously triaged, the bug's Severity is being updated to -- (default, untriaged.)

Because this bug's Severity has not been changed from the default since it was filed, and it's Priority is -- (Backlog,) indicating it has has not been previously triaged, the bug's Severity is being updated to -- (default, untriaged.)

Severity: normal → S3

The severity of these bugs was changed, mistakenly, from normal to S3.

Because these bugs have a priority of --, indicating that they have not been previously triaged, these bugs should be changed to Severity of --.

Severity: S3 → --

Okay it does appear to be a Microsoft IME bug. Thanks for the assistance.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Flags: needinfo?(jmathies)
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