Closed Bug 1627428 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

445.78 (, 03/24/2020) NVIDIA GPU drivers should be added to Mozilla Firefox driver blocklist


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect, P3)

74 Branch
Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox-esr68 --- wontfix
firefox74 --- wontfix
firefox75 --- wontfix
firefox76 --- wontfix
firefox77 --- wontfix


(Reporter: Virtual, Unassigned)



(Keywords: nightly-community)


(3 files)

+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #1625857 +++

445.78 (, 03/24/2020) NVIDIA GPU drivers should be added to Mozilla Firefox driver blocklist, as they are also affected by these issues.

Please hold off on adding these drivers to the block list. So far I haven't seen any issues on my end. That's not to say others will find some. Blocking them causes me problems.

We haven't seen any evidence of there being issues with the hotfix from Nvidia yet. We will monitor incoming bugs and blocklist additional drivers if need be.

Closed: 4 years ago
Priority: P1 → P3
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Resolution: INVALID → ---

Gary, our QA was able to reproduce the driver issues with 445.78 and a dual-gpu system. If you are using this driver and don't have any issues so far, can you please add your about:support to this bug as a text file so I can take a look and see why that might be?

Flags: needinfo?(garyshap)

@ Gary [:streetwolf] - Also were you able to reproduce main issue in bug #1625857 with bugged NVIDIA GPU drivers 445.75?

I am currently on 445.78 the so called hotfix with a single GPU. I have not encountered any problems whatsoever. For that matter I didn't have any problems with 445.75 either. The only problems I have is when you block list my driver. Then all hell breaks loose and Fx becomes basically unusable with everything in Basic mode. The cure is a 1000 fold worse than any problem in my case.

Give me a site that is causing other folks problems so I can see if I do indeed have an issue. But as I said, block listing my driver is worse than any site issue I might encounter. Blocking my driver causes major problems on just about every site. Don't be so quick in using the block list especially in light of myself having no issues. There might be many other reasons for folks on the same driver version having problems.

Flags: needinfo?(garyshap)

Just wanted to add that if you decide to block list my drivers, and I hope you don't, is there a way to override the block?

Just had an epiphany. I am using the DCH version of the Nvidia drivers. Could those having problems be using the regular drivers?

Attached file about:support info β€”

Might come in handy for your investigation.

Attached image GPU-Z output β€”

Notice in the driver version DCH.

(In reply to Gary [:streetwolf52] from comment #5)

The only problems I have is when you block list my driver. Then all hell breaks loose and Fx becomes basically unusable with everything in Basic mode. The cure is a 1000 fold worse than any problem in my case.
[...] But as I said, block listing my driver is worse than any site issue I might encounter. Blocking my driver causes major problems on just about every site. Don't be so quick in using the block list especially in light of myself having no issues. [...]

That's was also my problem (bug #1627426). In end, I decided to downgrade NVIDIA GPU drivers to 442.74 version, for time being, because of this.

(In reply to Gary [:streetwolf52] from comment #6)

[...] is there a way to override the block?

Downgrading NVIDIA GPU drivers are only option (downgrading Mozilla Firefox was omitted from this, as it's clearly GPU driver issue), as forcing hardware acceleration isn't working properly in this case (bug #1627432).

I'd like to chime in on that as well, am on 455.75 and have not experienced any issues with my Firefox until the Update blacklist my graphics driver and took the Basic rendering fallback route. Now I am dealing with massive screen tearing while scrolling, sadly it's not the kind of tearing that makes your eyes not hurt. It is really unusable now. I have two machines here to test this on but both are of similar specs. Both have shown the same behavior.

System specs are as follows:
AMD Ryzen 2700x
RTX 2070 Super
GPU Driver: 445.75 (not DCH)
X570 Motherboard Chipset

I can understand your concern when you get in reports of broken drivers but I'd really like if you'd go for a less harsh approach in this matter.
Especially in the tech savvy version of this browser it's more than annoying when your browser suddenly decides to go rip and tear on you and you have to investigate the issue for a while before you realize it is just that your driver got blacklisted. An opt out button for this blacklisting would also be very nice people clicking that opt out will know what they are doing.

Attached file Application Basics.txt β€”


I have no doubt that you are experiencing problems. Are you using the legacy version of the driver or the DCH version? I really don't know if any difference between the two would cause your issues and none for me. As you might know the DCH versions is Microsoft's relatively new recommended way to distribute drivers for Windows 10. They are akin to the so called Universal Apps in some respects. Intel drivers use DCH as well as Realtek audio drivers although Realtek still supply legacy drivers. The control programs are all Universal Apps.

Also, how about some links to sites you are having problems with? It' possible I just haven't hit any sites that cause issues although that seems quite unlikely given that I am all over the place.

My bad. I see that @azuyoh is using the legacy drivers and not DCH so that probably rules out legacy drivers causing the issues.

It looks like both people who did not have bugs with 445.75 and 445.78 had single GPU machines, people who experience the bugs seem to have dual GPU. I will share this info with Nvidia and see if we can blocklist those drivers only in the case with dual GPU.

(In reply to Jessie [:jbonisteel] pls NI from comment #15)

It looks like both people who did not have bugs with 445.75 and 445.78 had single GPU machines, people who experience the bugs seem to have dual GPU. I will share this info with Nvidia and see if we can blocklist those drivers only in the case with single GPU.

I think you meant to say people with dual GPU'S should be blocked not those with single GPU'S.

Yes :) updated my comment!

Glad to see the input is helping, thanks for the effort! :)

I found another person with dual Nvidia cards in an SLI arrangement that has the issues. I asked him to post this fact here but just in case he doesn't I want to let you know that the dual GPU situation appears to be the common denominator.

(In reply to Gary [:streetwolf52] from comment #19)

I found another person with dual NVIDIA cards in an SLI arrangement that has the issues. I asked him to post this fact here but just in case he doesn't I want to let you know that the dual GPU situation appears to be the common denominator.

I think it was my bad, I meant to say people with dual system Intel/NVIDIA may only have the problem.

I have dual NVIDIA cards 1080 with SLI enabled, and no issues except of the blacklisted driver.

@Gary: Just wanting some clarification here. Do we know of anyone seeing issues with dual gpu setup on desktop? If so, can we get their about:support information?

Flags: needinfo?(garyshap)

The person called Jeny a couple of posts above runs in an SLI environment. I'm not really sure if his problem is the original one or the one we all get when the drivers are block listed. I think he is running Fx76 developer right now which is blocking his drivers. His complaint might be about the blocking. I don't know what if any problem he had before his drivers were blocked.

He posted about his problem here.. and gave a snippet of his about:support. You might want to contact him about the issue. Please gather the facts before anymore block listing. As I've indicated, and others as well, we have no issues with NVIDIA drivers on any version of Fx.

Flags: needinfo?(garyshap)

I suspect this bug is WONTFIX per bug #1628817.

Closed: 4 years ago4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX

I've done some further testing trying to reproduce this and while I could reproduce it initially, I am no longer able to with the 445.75 driver on an intel/nvidia laptop by forcing the nvidia gpu.

I think removing the blocklist entry is the right path forward for now and if we receive more reports we could

  • Limit the blocklist entry to intel + nvidia combo
  • Force intel gpu if intel/nvidia setup (haven't seen an easy way to let firefox run with the second GPU, so might be some work)

just wanted to say that I have problems with one GPU. Even tho I'm using stable version daily, on nightly I noticed insane stuttering and backdrop-filter not working. I'm not on my computer to get specific specs but I have:
gtx 980ti - 1-2week old drivers
ryzen 2600
latest nigtly version

I'm on 445.75 and am still seeing this behaviour. Would it be possible to update the blacklist so that we don't have such terrible performance on single GPU systems?

Decision Log
force_enabled by user: Force-enabled by pref
Blocklisted; failure code BLOCKLIST_NVIDIA driver !=
unavailable by default: Direct2D requires Direct3D 11 compositing
unavailable by default: D3D11 compositing is disabled
disabled by env: D3D11 compositing is disabled
Blocklisted; failure code BLOCKLIST_NVIDIA driver !=
opt-in by default: WebRender is an opt-in feature
unavailable-no-angle by runtime: ANGLE is disabled
blacklisted by env: No qualified hardware
unavailable by env: No DirectComposition usage
disabled by default: Disabled by default
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