Closed Bug 1628457 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Lightning task list not refreshed after adding a task


(Calendar :: Tasks, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stoja07, Unassigned)



(4 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:74.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/74.0

Steps to reproduce:

Lightning task list (now called Events and Tasks): After adding several tasks during one day.

Actual results:

After several tasks, the list stops refreshing with new tasks.

Expected results:

The list should be refreshed. It refreshes when I switch to Events list and return to the Tasks list.

Component: Untriaged → Tasks
Product: Thunderbird → Calendar
Version: 68 → unspecified

How many is several?

Local or network Tasks calendar?

I created several tasks and saw them immediately in the Tasks section of the Today Pane with Events and Tasks view selected.

I used both the Home calendar on my computer and the network Google Tasks using the Provider for Google Calendar extension.

The Tasks section can also be resized to show more tasks by dragging the top border upwards.

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)

Sometimes after 5 tasks, sometimes after 15. I had one instance of this problem happening today.

I only use Tasks pane ("Show completed tasks" checkbox is right below the "Task" title).

I have been using this addon for a few years, I have over 50 tasks in it (mostly future tasks, some are red as well (past unconfirmed tasks)). I also enter around 20 tasks daily and I mark the same number of tasks as completed.

The problem is resolved by switching to the next pane (Events) and then going back to Tasks and the list refreshes.
This addon was once called Lightning calendar. Now it is available under the name Events and Tasks next to the File and Edit menus.
Local, not network.

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)

I can't reproduce any problem.

I created several tasks in the default Home calendar the day you reported this bug. They all took place that day and all appeared in the the Tasks view of the Today Pane.
Those that I created for the following days did not appear in Tasks view until the date the task was scheduled.

The same if I used Events and Tasks > Tasks to open the Tasks tab.

Attached image Screenshot of the Task pane —

I added a screenshot of the Task pane just to make sure you know what pane I am referering to.

(In reply to stoja07 from comment #5)

I added a screenshot of the Task pane just to make sure you know what pane I am referering to.

Thanks, I know what pane and reported my findings.

So any Tasks I enter that start tomorrow or a future date should appear immediately?

Are you using any other calendar extensions?

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)

Yes, all the tasks should be present on the list (the red ones are with the deadlines in the past, bolded black ones are with the deadline today (I don't have any in the screenshot), and the green ones are with the deadlines in the future.

I only have the Lightning add-on.

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)

Sorry, I did not notice the Due column in your screenshot.

I did some more testing and find that if I create a task with a Start and Due date in the future, it doesn't show up in the Tasks view. Switching between Event and Task, Events and back to Tasks doesn't make the event appear.

The task appears immediately if I only set a Due date and time.

So I think you need to provide more precise steps to reproduce the problem.

Are all Tasks created in the same manner?

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)

Yes. I right click on an email, then I go to "Convert to" and I pick the Task option (the other option is Event). The start date is automatically set to the current date and time (the box is checked), while I need to set a due date. All tasks are created in this manner.

You should now have a task on the Task pane in green (if you didn't pick today's date) or bolded black (if you did pick today's date). Try to add like 20 or more of these tasks, it won't take much time (the title of the tasks are automatically created based on the email subjects).

Pay attention to whether a task is really being inserted in the list. If you notice a task that was not inserted, click on the left or right arrow in the top right corner of the Task pane to switch the pane and then go back. The list should be refreshed.

Flags: needinfo?(stoja07)
Attached image task pane filter —

What are your filter settings? I think by default the Today Pane only shows tasks that are relevant for today. Tasks with start and due date in the future are not relevant for today. You can change this behavior by selecting a different filter for the task list, see screenshot.

Attached image Untitled33.jpg —

I don't have any filters selected, please see the screenshot. I am not using the Today pane.

Attached image task layout.jpg —

Here is another screenshot of how I am using the Tasks pane.

I believe this is a display error because there always is a filter selected by default. Try setting it to All and retest.

OK, set to All. I'll let you know if it occurs again.

(In reply to stoja07 from comment #11)

I don't have any filters selected, please see the screenshot. I am not using the Today pane.

You are using the Tasks view of the Today pane.

Even with the "All" filter selected I can't get any future dates to display unless I set a due date only.

I don't see any difference between TB 60.9.1 and the current 68.7.0 release. They both behave the same for me.

WFM per comment 14

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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