Open Bug 1628736 Opened 4 years ago Updated 4 years ago

Slow scrolling performance on large changeset on (VBO upload)


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect, P3)





(Reporter: jnicol, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: perf)

Profile: - Taken on android, but performance is bad on Linux too.

Most of the time spent in glBufferData() called from Renderer::draw_instanced_batch().

It seems to be bad when scrolling through the list of files changed, and okay when scrolling through the code changes themselves.

Whiteboard: [qf]

We believe that although this is a real issue. It's rare for users, particularly mobile users to encounter this on their actual phones. There's enough bugs open on large pages with lots of text being slow due to slow reflows and such like that. Therefore qf-.

Whiteboard: [qf]

Because this bug's Severity has not been changed from the default since it was filed, and it's Priority is P3 (Backlog,) indicating it has been triaged, the bug's Severity is being updated to S3 (normal.)

Severity: normal → S3
Blocks: texture-upload-perf
No longer blocks: wr-perf

This is a million times better now, presumably due to bug 1645665. Still some room for improvement, however, so I'll leave open

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