Closed Bug 1628892 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Make sync engines bridged via golden_gate report reconciliation count in the sync ping.


(Firefox :: Sync, enhancement, P3)






(Reporter: tcsc, Unassigned)


Update: Currently we have almost the whole ping except for the reconciliation data being reported. The reconciliation data is part of ApplyResults, and is dropped on the floor Threading it through is all that's still needed.

Original comment: We already define types for ping / engine ping in sync15_traits, but need golden_gate (rust) engines to support it.

Good call! Are there any special hooks we want to add to the Rust bridge, like for steps and validation? Subclassing BridgedEngine on the JS side will give us the basic events and include them in the Sync ping like any other engine, but step and validate:finish would need to be bubbled up from Rust, something like what we do for bookmarks.

Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Make sync engines bridged via golden_gate report telemetry into the sync ping. → Make sync engines bridged via golden_gate report reconciliation count in the sync ping.

As mentioned, the only part of this we don't currently collect is reconciliation data, and we don't really care about that much.

Time to file a follow up for removing it from the sync ping all-together.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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