Closed Bug 1630439 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Issue opening url with underscore at the end on Android


(Core :: Networking: DNS, defect, P3)

77 Branch





(Reporter: tim.langhorst, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [necko-triaged])


(3 files)

When I try to open an URL with an underscore (for example it immediately returns "Address Not Found" (it doesn't seem to make a network request at all).

This affects both nightly and stable, but it works fine on desktop.

I moved this to Core / Networking: DNS because I am not sure what to do with this or whether this should work.

Component: General → Networking: DNS
Product: Firefox for Android → Core
Version: Firefox 77 → 77 Branch
Flags: needinfo?(valentin.gosu)
See Also: → 1632163

So, _ in a hostname isn't really common, but we allow it nonetheless.
For some reason it seems the android implementation of getaddrinfo doesn't.
When I switched to using TRR, the URL in comment 0 worked with no problem.
I also tried a custom C++ program that calls getaddrinfo, and had the same issue.
I'm not sure how Chrome is working. Maybe they're using a custom resolver?

Flags: needinfo?(valentin.gosu)

So should this be reported to Android?

(In reply to Tim Langhorst from comment #4)

So should this be reported to Android?

Likely yes.

If you can provide me with details which function is affected and maybe a small "reproduction" I can report it there

Attached file dns_test.c

I ran this test on Linux (it works) and on Android in the CxxDroid App where it didn't.

It would be nice to find a fix for this, but it's not clear what that would be.
Seems like a getaddrinfo bug. Looking at Chrome's code it would seem they use the same, not sure what their trick is to make this work.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: Issue opening url with underscore at the end → Issue opening url with underscore at the end on Android
Whiteboard: [necko-triaged]

(In reply to Valentin Gosu [:valentin] (he/him) from comment #8)

Seems like a getaddrinfo bug. Looking at Chrome's code it would seem they use the same, not sure what their trick is to make this work.

Once I disabled the Async DNS feature in Chrome it stopped working too.

Definitely an Android bug. Closing since there's nothing we can do here.
It is mitigated by using TRR (although we have no UI for it on Android).

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID

How can I enable TRR?

(In reply to Tim Langhorst from comment #10)

How can I enable TRR?

Go to about:config and set network.trr.mode to 2
More info here and here

The issue already existed in a similar fashion I added the repro snippet:

See Also: → 1870496
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