Closed Bug 1633433 Opened 5 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Intermittent remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Received Runtime context events in expected order - ["Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextsCleared"] deepEqual...


(Remote Protocol :: Agent, defect, P5)



(firefox78 fixed)

Firefox 78
Tracking Status
firefox78 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: impossibus)



(Keywords: intermittent-failure)


(1 file)

Filed by: dluca [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

 INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context has an origin - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.694Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context has a frameId - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.695Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context is named as requested - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.696Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | createIsolatedWorld returns id of isolated context - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.698Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context is not default - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.698Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context has type 'isolated' - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.698Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | The contexts have different names - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.699Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | The contexts have different ids - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.699Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | The contexts have same origin - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.699Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | The contexts have same frameId - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.700Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Default context is default - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.700Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Navigating...
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.701Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextDestroyed for id 1
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.704Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextDestroyed for id 2
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.704Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextsCleared
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.705Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.706Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Received Runtime context events in expected order - ["Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextsCleared"] deepEqual ["Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextDestroyed","Runtime.executionContextsCleared","Runtime.executionContextCreated"] - JS frame :: chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js :: assertEventOrder :: line 266
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.706Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.707Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js:assertEventOrder:266
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.707Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js:contextDestroyedAfterNavigation:88
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.707Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/head.js:fn:67
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.707Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester_execTest/<:1039
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.707Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:Tester_execTest:1074
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.708Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:nextTest/<:904
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.708Z] 10:23:20     INFO - chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<:918
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.711Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Isolated context destroyed - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.712Z] 10:23:20     INFO - TEST-PASS | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Default context destroyed - 
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.026Z] 10:23:22     INFO - CDP client closed
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.055Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983002049	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {b3df58e0-743c-47f7-874b-841eb300ad6f}) {"method":"Target.targetDestroyed","params":{"targetId":76}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.055Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983002049	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {b3df58e0-743c-47f7-874b-841eb300ad6f}) {"method":"Target.targetDestroyed","params":{"targetId":"c6949597-4db1-4bbb-bd76-4a4bdbb59e6a"}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.055Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983002051	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {b3df58e0-743c-47f7-874b-841eb300ad6f}) {"method":"Target.targetDestroyed","params":{"targetId":88}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.063Z] 10:23:22     INFO - CDP server stopped
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.212Z] 10:23:22     INFO - Not taking screenshot here: see the one that was previously logged
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js | Uncaught exception - at chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js:105 - TypeError: can't access property "payload",[3] is undefined
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - Stack trace:
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - contextDestroyedAfterNavigation@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/page/browser_createIsolatedWorld.js:105:22
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - async*fn@chrome://mochitests/content/browser/remote/test/browser/head.js:67:13
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - Async*Tester_execTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1039:34
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - async*Tester_execTest@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:1074:11
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - nextTest/<@chrome://mochikit/content/browser-test.js:904:14
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.213Z] 10:23:22     INFO - SimpleTest.waitForFocus/waitForFocusInner/focusedOrLoaded/<@chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js:918:23
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.219Z] 10:23:22     INFO - Leaving test bound contextDestroyedAfterNavigation
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.219Z] 10:23:22     INFO - Entering test bound evaluateInIsolatedAndDefault
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.260Z] 10:23:22     INFO - CDP server started
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.260Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7f64e7fe4400 == 10 [pid = 4511] [id = {6e0c1291-474d-4437-a817-d64b78d0644d}]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.260Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 57 (0x7f64ea1c5430) [pid = 4511] [serial = 73] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.260Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 58 (0x7f64e7fe9400) [pid = 4511] [serial = 74] [outer = 0x7f64ea1c5430]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.300Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 59 (0x7f64e7fec000) [pid = 4511] [serial = 75] [outer = 0x7f64ea1c5430]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.631Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr) failed with result 0x804B000A (NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/Permission.cpp, line 46
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.631Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(principal) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/Permission.cpp, line 58
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.631Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, nullptr) failed with result 0x804B000A (NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/Permission.cpp, line 46
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.631Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(principal) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/Permission.cpp, line 58
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.647Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4852: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7ff892628c00 == 1 [pid = 4852] [id = {8952fe53-f4c0-4a4d-a43c-ec8c87de36bb}]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.647Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4852: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x7ff8adb93180) [pid = 4852] [serial = 5] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.647Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4852: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x7ff892629c00) [pid = 4852] [serial = 6] [outer = 0x7ff8adb93180]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.703Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4852: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 3 (0x7ff892f84400) [pid = 4852] [serial = 7] [outer = 0x7ff8adb93180]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.739Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 58 (0x7f6500524de0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 28] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.739Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 57 (0x7f6500525180) [pid = 4511] [serial = 31] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.739Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 56 (0x7f6500524c10) [pid = 4511] [serial = 34] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.739Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 55 (0x7f65005258c0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 37] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.740Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 54 (0x7f64ea1c5600) [pid = 4511] [serial = 43] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.742Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 53 (0x7f64ea1c60e0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 46] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.742Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 52 (0x7f64ea1c57d0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 49] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.743Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 51 (0x7f6500525a90) [pid = 4511] [serial = 40] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.744Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 50 (0x7f64ea1c6650) [pid = 4511] [serial = 52] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.745Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 49 (0x7f64ea1c6bc0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 55] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.745Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 48 (0x7f6500524a40) [pid = 4511] [serial = 25] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.745Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 47 (0x7f64ea1c5260) [pid = 4511] [serial = 58] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.745Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 46 (0x7f6500523d90) [pid = 4511] [serial = 22] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.753Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 45 (0x7f65005230e0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 12] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.754Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 44 (0x7f65005239f0) [pid = 4511] [serial = 15] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:22.754Z] 10:23:22     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Parent 4511: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 43 (0x7f6500524300) [pid = 4511] [serial = 20] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.101Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4963: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (0x7f690a32a800) [pid = 4963] [serial = 2] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.505Z] 10:23:23     INFO - CDP client instantiated
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.506Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003502	RemoteAgent	TRACE	(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3})-> {"id":1,"method":"Target.setDiscoverTargets","params":{"discover":true}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.506Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003502	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"method":"Target.targetCreated","params":{"targetInfo":{"browserContextId":null,"targetId":76,"type":"page","url":"about:blank"}}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.508Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003503	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"method":"Target.targetCreated","params":{"targetInfo":{"targetId":"12974a59-73da-4ebb-9f88-53820be33362","type":"browser"}}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.508Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003504	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"method":"Target.targetCreated","params":{"targetInfo":{"browserContextId":null,"targetId":91,"type":"page","url":"about:blank"}}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.509Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003504	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"id":1}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.550Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003544	RemoteAgent	TRACE	(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3})-> {"id":2,"method":"Runtime.enable","params":{}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.566Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003558	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"id":2}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.568Z] 10:23:23     INFO - Runtime notifications are enabled
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.572Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003569	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"method":"Runtime.executionContextCreated","params":{"context":{"id":1,"origin":"about:blank","name":"","auxData":{"isDefault":true,"frameId":"91","type":"default"}}}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.608Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003599	RemoteAgent	TRACE	(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3})-> {"id":3,"method":"Page.createIsolatedWorld","params":{"frameId":"91","worldName":"testWorld1","grantUniversalAccess":true}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.609Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003604	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"method":"Runtime.executionContextCreated","params":{"context":{"id":2,"origin":"about:blank","name":"testWorld1","auxData":{"isDefault":false,"frameId":"91","type":"isolated"}}}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.609Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | 1587983003604	RemoteAgent	TRACE	<-(connection {58887df7-7459-4c09-ad66-4cf821fc78a3}) {"id":3,"result":{"executionContextId":2}}
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.629Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (0x7f2ae0dbb400) [pid = 4722] [serial = 10] [outer = (nil)] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3C!doctype%20html%3E%0A%3Cmeta%20charset%3Dutf-8%3E%0Adefault-test-page]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.630Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (0x7f2ae6990400) [pid = 4722] [serial = 5] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.631Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x7f2ae0db6800) [pid = 4722] [serial = 6] [outer = (nil)] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3C!doctype%20html%3E%0A%3Cmeta%20charset%3Dutf-8%3E%0Adefault-test-page]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.631Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x7f2ae0dba000) [pid = 4722] [serial = 9] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.632Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 5 (0x7f2ae0db7800) [pid = 4722] [serial = 16] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:23.632Z] 10:23:23     INFO - GECKO(4511) | [Child 4722: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7f2ae0db9800 == 1 [pid = 4722] [id = {5183c5f7-8424-49b0-ba7c-12c1a44b68aa}] [url = data:text/html;charset=utf-8,%3C!doctype%20html%3E%0A%3Cmeta%20charset%3Dutf-8%3E%0Adefault-test-page]

The underlying problem here is actually:

TypeError: can't access property "payload",[3] is undefined

See Also: → 1602686

The underlying problem is that there's a race so we sometimes don't get the 4th event as expected.

In that case we should add an assertion before which checks for the expected event count. That would result in a much cleaner failure message.

Just for reference from the log:

[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.701Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextDestroyed for id 1
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.704Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextDestroyed for id 2
[task 2020-04-27T10:23:20.704Z] 10:23:20     INFO - Received Runtime.executionContextsCleared

Means we do not get the context created event

const newContext =[3].payload.context;
is(newContext.auxData.isDefault, true, "The new context is a default one");

Given that we use Page.navigate shouldn't we wait for Page.frameNavigated before asserting the events?

Assignee: nobody → mjzffr
Pushed by Wait for frame navigation and improve logging r=remote-protocol-reviewers,whimboo
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 78
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