Closed Bug 1634119 Opened 4 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Remember Container Tab preferences for a (sub)domain across multiple Container types


(Core :: Privacy: Anti-Tracking, enhancement, P3)

75 Branch





(Reporter: foss, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Fedora; Linux x86_64; rv:75.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/75.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open any website in a No Container Tab
  2. Re-open website in Container Tab
  3. Check "Always Open in this Container"
  4. Re-open website in a different Container Tab
  5. Check "Always Open in this Container"

Actual results:

Following the steps above changes the default preference for opening that website in a single Container Tab type.

Expected results:

Sometimes I open one of two different types of Container Tabs for a specific domain or sub-domain.

In this proposed feature, I can simultaneously save multiple types of Container Tabs for a website. I am prompted in an quick-to-respond way for which Container Tab I want to open this session in. I can quickly determine which Container Tab I prefer to use, based on what I use a domain/subdomain for at any given time.

For example: I contribute to open source as part of my Work but also part of a personal Open Source interest. So, I have two Container Tabs for each interest. Depending on context, I open or for different things.

This helps me when I configure a site also used as a third-party authentication service (e.g. GitHub). I whitelist a site like to a specific Container Tab. This is fine until I am working in a different Container Tab which redirects me to a site like for authentication. Then I have to work backwards by reopening the original service in the same Container Tab used for the third-party authentication service (e.g. After connecting my account or login by email, I reopen the original service in my desired Container Tab. Finally I update the "Always Open in this Container".

Severity: normal → --
Component: Untriaged → Privacy: Anti-Tracking
Product: Firefox → Core
Severity: -- → normal
Priority: -- → P3
Severity: normal → S3
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → MOVED
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