prevent page reload or navigation if changes have been made
(DevTools :: General, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: jovan.gerodetti, Unassigned)
Countless times I have now lost changes and little experiments I conducted with the devtools because I accidentally reloaded the page or used the macOS track pad gesture to navigate back in history. I also think I can't be the only one to be facing this problem.
Therefore, I think devtools should prevent any kind of navigation with a small confirmation popup similar to what we already have in page content. Something like "Are you sure you want to leave this page?" when ever there are CSS or DOM changes. Maybe also when a performance profile has been recorded or a memory snapshot has been taken.
Comment 1•5 years ago
Hi Jovan!
Thanks for raising this! We know accidentally losing changes is a frustrating experience. We've been thinking of ways to alleviate this. One of them includes a way to restore the changes after a refresh (bug 1468783).
The first part of the feature request regarding DOM & CSS changes sounds like a duplicate of bug 1255131 so I will close this bug.
For the second part regarding profiling and memory snapshot, if there is a use case, please open separate bugs.