Closed Bug 163515 Opened 23 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Navigator Help incorrectly states how to open Sidebar


(Documentation Graveyard :: Help Viewer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: neady, Assigned: jatin)




Steps to Reproduce: 1. Help->Help Contents 2. Click "Browsing the Web" 3. Click on (or scroll down to) Retracing your Steps Actual Results: [snip] To access the history list from Navigator. Open the Task menu, choose Tools, then History. This doesn't seem to be right. I'm using a 1.1 release candidate, and the Task menu seems to be gone. Tools is a toplevel window, but it is missing any reference to History. I do find History under the Go menu, which seems to do the right thing. This really just needs a minor update, but I'm not sure where in the installation to find nav_help.html, other than by recreating it by doing File->SaveAs, which I believe is not guaranteed to accurately reproduce everything. This may apply to more than PC/Linux -- are the menus organised the same way across platforms (apart from system stuff like Quit on the app menu on OS X)?
Also, in the same file: # If you don't see My Sidebar, it may be closed. Open it by clicking # its handle. If the handle is missing, select View and then My Sidebar. This also seems to have changed in the menu reorg. Should now be: If you don't see the sidebar, it may be closed. Open it by clicking its handle. If the handle is missing, select the View Menu, choose Show/Hide, and select Sidebar. Added sidebar to summary.
Summary: Browser help incorrectly states how to open history list window → Browser help incorrectly states how to open history list window and sidebar
Assignee: rudman → jatin
This is is already addressed in the commercial builds and will be carried over to Mozilla with next refresh of Mozilla help.
bug description is bug 157432
Blocks: 187378
Summary: Browser help incorrectly states how to open history list window and sidebar → Navigator Help incorrectly states how to open Sidebar
fixed in the latest Help file overhaul
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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