Closed Bug 1635469 Opened 4 years ago Closed 10 months ago

Firefox detects windows touch screen as primary input device.


(Core :: DOM: CSS Object Model, defect, P3)






(Reporter: tonyw, Unassigned)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Use Firefox on a windows laptop, with touchscreen.

Actual results:

Microsoft defines the primary pointing device on windows to be the mouse, regardless of if the PC has a touch screen or not:

However, if the pc has a touchscreen, then Firefox detects the touchscreen as primary device.

@media(pointer: coarse) is true
@media(pointer: fine) is false

Expected results:

@media(pointer: coarse) should be false
@media(pointer: fine) should be true.

@media(any-pointer: coarse) should be true.

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: Untriaged → Audio/Video: Playback
Product: Firefox → Core
Component: Audio/Video: Playback → DOM: CSS Object Model

(In reply to tony Weston from comment #0)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Use Firefox on a windows laptop, with touchscreen.

Actual results:

Microsoft defines the primary pointing device on windows to be the mouse, regardless of if the PC has a touch screen or not:

Woo, I didn't know that. Does that mean even if there is no mouse on a touch screen, it should behave as if there is a mouse?

Severity: normal → S3
Priority: -- → P3
See Also: → 1498286

I think its the case that should the device be a desktop/laptop computer , if it has a mouse/trackpad then this is the primary pointing device.

If it doesn't have a mouse, only touchscreen, then this would become the primary pointing device by virtue this is the only pointing device.

BUT, more importantly, as a developer building responsive websites, we need to understand what the user would normally be using to to control the pointer, so as to modify the UI to adapt to this method - Making checkboxes larger for touch screens, vs mouse, for instance. Im fairly certain that the majority of windows users will still be using a mouse to control their PC even if they have a touchscreen, so this should be considered the primary input device when the mouse is available. This is how it currently works in Chrome.

This would be different if, say, you connected a mouse to a mobile phone. The primary device would still be a touchscreen, regardless of mouse pointing now being available.

I can confirm on my Asus laptop that Firefox does not detect my trackpad as my primary input device. The pointer media query returns course:

Closed: 10 months ago
Duplicate of bug: 1851244
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
See Also: → 1851244
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