Closed Bug 1635614 Opened 5 years ago Closed 3 years ago

DO NOT CLASSIFY StashError: Tried to overwrite existing shared stash value for key ('/fetch/metadata/resources/', '137b9c5b-5da2-a627-9ca4-d4fcb2d3a15c')


(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect, P5)






(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned, NeedInfo)


(Keywords: intermittent-failure)

Filed by: ncsoregi [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.177Z] 23:00:14 INFO - TEST-START | /fetch/metadata/preload.https.sub.html
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.183Z] 23:00:14 INFO - Closing window 61
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 332, in call
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - rv = self.func(request, response)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/tests/web-platform/tests/fetch/metadata/resources/", line 42, in main
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - request.server.stash.put(testId, header)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 165, in put
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - (internal_key,[internal_key], value))
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - StashError: Tried to overwrite existing shared stash value for key ('/fetch/metadata/resources/', '137b9c5b-5da2-a627-9ca4-d4fcb2d3a15c') (old value was {"dest": "empty", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "same-origin"}, new value is {"dest": "empty", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "same-site"})
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.624Z] 23:00:14 WARNING -
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.649Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.649Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 332, in call
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.649Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - rv = self.func(request, response)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.649Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/tests/web-platform/tests/fetch/metadata/resources/", line 42, in main
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.649Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - request.server.stash.put(testId, header)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.650Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 165, in put
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.650Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - (internal_key,[internal_key], value))
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.650Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - StashError: Tried to overwrite existing shared stash value for key ('/fetch/metadata/resources/', '137b9c5b-5da2-a627-9ca4-d4fcb2d3a15c') (old value was {"dest": "empty", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "same-origin"}, new value is {"dest": "empty", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "cross-site"})
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.650Z] 23:00:14 WARNING -
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.658Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - Traceback (most recent call last):
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 332, in call
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - rv = self.func(request, response)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/tests/web-platform/tests/fetch/metadata/resources/", line 42, in main
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - request.server.stash.put(testId, header)
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - File "/Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1588717718/build/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/wptserve/", line 165, in put
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - (internal_key,[internal_key], value))
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING - StashError: Tried to overwrite existing shared stash value for key ('/fetch/metadata/resources/', 'ab8755e2-e7a3-914a-55ae-14e836cf1fee') (old value was {"dest": "font", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "same-origin"}, new value is {"dest": "font", "user": "", "mode": "cors", "site": "same-site"})
[task 2020-05-05T23:00:14.659Z] 23:00:14 WARNING -

Noticed these lines appear before the actual failure is shown, and it's also present on passed tests e.g. : with log:

James, is this something you can look into since it only appears on web platform tests?
Thank you.

Flags: needinfo?(james)

This suggests a bug in the tests. Let's see if Mike West will take a look. Otherwise I can have another look.

Flags: needinfo?(james) → needinfo?(mkwst)

Hey James. The test in question should be pulling a new stash key for each subtest ( Have I misunderstood how {{uuid()}} works? Should we be adding additional entropy to that generated key?

Ah yeah, that won't work. uuid() there is generated when the page is loaded on the server, not in js. If you want a UUID at runtime use

Ah. Yes. That is fantastically stupid on my part, especially since I didn't see it again when I looked upthread.

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: Untriaged → DOM: Networking
Product: Firefox → Core

Bulk closing some old intermittents.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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