Closed Bug 1639976 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Poor performance during a Zoom call


(Core :: WebRTC, defect, P1)

78 Branch
Windows 10



Tracking Status
firefox-esr68 --- wontfix
firefox77 --- wontfix
firefox78 --- wontfix
firefox79 --- wontfix
firefox81 --- wontfix
firefox82 --- wontfix
firefox83 --- wontfix
firefox88 --- wontfix
firefox89 --- wontfix
firefox90 --- wontfix


(Reporter: alex_mayorga, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: nightly-community, Whiteboard: [wfh])


Had some terrible performance during a Zoom call with today's Firefox Nightly.

Managed to capture

Filing this report in case it is useful.


Whiteboard: [wfh]
Component: Audio/Video → WebRTC

Byron, any thoughts?

Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday)

The content process running zoom seems to be spending all of its time in mozilla::detail::EventQueueInternal::PutEvent, and only a tiny minority of that time is being spent in the actual work that function does (mozilla::Queue::Push). That says we're spending tons of time in here:

That's gecko profiler code. Has this problem ever happened when you were not running the gecko profiler?

Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday) → needinfo?(alex_mayorga)

¡Hola Byron!

I ran the profiler in the hopes of capturing the terrible performance in Zoom and give y'all something actionable.

The Zoom call was bad even before the profiling started.

With that said I caved and ended up installing the Zoom client.

If useful I could get on a Zoom call with someone and troubleshoot live if it helps things.

Would you be interested on that?


Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga) → needinfo?(docfaraday)

Was this a video call? I cannot get zoom to capture video at all, either on nightly or release.

Flags: needinfo?(docfaraday) → needinfo?(alex_mayorga)

¡Hola Byron!

Yes, this was a video call.


Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga)

Ok. I've filed bug 1643038 for the video capture problem. Is video capture working for you at all right now?

Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga)
Severity: -- → S2
Priority: -- → P2

¡Hola Byron!

I've tested over at and I can see my own video albeit it seems to refresh rather slowly IMHO.

Here's the profile of the whole interaction in case it is useful:

Please let me know if there's anything else I could provide to assist on your investigation.


Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga)

¡Hola y'all!

Tried again today and the issue is still there.

A fresh profile at

Please let me know if anything is needed from the affected system.


Severity: S2 → S3
Blocks: webrtc-perf

Setting this to P1 for investigation and analysis so we can determine its true impact to the user.

Priority: P2 → P1

¡Hola y'all!

Tried again today and the issue is still there i.e. there's high CPU usage and the laptop fan gets loud.

A fresh profile at

Please let me know if anything is needed from the affected system.


Alex, I'm curious to know if you see any improvement on Nightly v96. I've tried it locally and it seems to make some difference, but I'm in a VM so I don't know if that translates to an improvement you'll see.

Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga)

I'm going to close this as resolved/inactive since we've gone 2 weeks without a reply and many months of prior inactivity.

Closed: 3 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(alex_mayorga)
Resolution: --- → INACTIVE
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