Open Bug 1640688 Opened 4 years ago Updated 8 months ago

Enhance UI for issue Upvote feature


(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, enhancement)






(Reporter: kumar, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0

Steps to reproduce:


Currently upvote feature is available under details section, which could hard to find for new users. I would be nice if we put a upvote counter just below the issue just like other issue tracker use emoji for this purpose like Github and Gitlab issue tracker.

And automatically add users to CC list, those who has upvoted; because probably they are interested in issue.


  • Users
    They can use upvote feature to represent they are also affected by bug.

  • Contributors and Developers
    On BMO, some bug are opened for year (I know Mozilla developers working hard to resolve as many as issues possible, but they don't have time to fix low priority bugs and rely on contributors to fix it). Contributors, and developers can use this upvote counter to fix low priority but having higher no. of upvotes (i.e. affect large number of users).

Expected results:

And also add a feature to react on comments by using emoji. Sometimes we like some comment on issue discussion and want to react on them, so for short reply like okay, like etc, we can use emoji.

Also: after voting for a single bug, the user is left at (a list of bugs, not the bug).

Browsing back reaches the bug page, but the bug page behaves as if the user's vote has not been cast.

It's necessary to reload the page for the cast to be recognised.

There's also recent bug 1666007, which may cause invisibility of the check box ☐ for the vote.

I've been using Bugzilla for years and have previously voted on bugs. But now, where the Vote button is hidden by default, I didn't even realize that voting was still available. However you solve it, I would expect the Vote button to always be visible.

@kumar @Graham_Perrin Those would appear to be separate bugs which you may want to consider filing.

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