Request for camera & microphone access
(SeaMonkey :: OS Integration, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: romko.b.m, Unassigned)
(2 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.2
Steps to reproduce:
Go to my Facebook messages page. Press video chat button.
Actual results:
The screen Request for Camera & Microphone access says: An Error occured when trying to get access to Camera and/or Microphone:
<![EX[["Minified invariant #14422; %s TAAL[2]",""]]]>
Also Google Meet via SeaMonkey browser hangs up. To my opinion, for a similar reason.
Expected results:
No problem with same Facebook links in Edge, in stand-alone Messenger application, in Zoom, in Google Meet via Edge.
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Comment 1•5 years ago
You can try:
Overall will probably not fully work with facebook for now. webrtc is a moving target theses days.
(In reply to Frank-Rainer Grahl (:frg) from comment #1)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 956854 ***
A favour: Could you please remind me the way to set preferences manually. Sorry to just forget it. I tried about:preferences, about:options, about:settings, but got ‘page not found’. Also tried in «search» field ‘set preferences manually’ and ‘about:’ from the «Help» sheet,– produced nothing. That guy sysop5410 in bag 956854 recommends to set media.navigator.permission.disabled;true
Comment 3•5 years ago
If the site uses VP8 as the video codec (which I think is the most common nowadays), it should be sufficient to set the following prefs:
- media.peerconnection.enabled = true
- media.navigator.enabled = true
- media.navigator.permission.disabled = true
The first two enable WebRTC (SeaMonkey ships with it disabled by default) and the last one bypasses the missing permissions dialog.
If it uses H.264, you'll have to get SeaMonkey to install OpenH264 somehow - the easiest way is with my extension which frg linked to; source code is here if you're interested:
By the way, I've had problems getting WebRTC working in SeaMonkey 2.53 (bug 1624636), even on sites where it worked in 2.49.
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Comment 4•5 years ago
You can set prefs via about:config about:about will show you all possible about:pages (not all relevant for SeaMonkey)
Isaac. Sorry I saw the bug but we are just overwhelmed and webrtc isn't something prio 1 in SM. Plan to look into but want to do some more webrtc fixes and AV1 support first.
After applying
media.peerconnection.enabled = true
media.navigator.enabled = true
media.navigator.permission.disabled = true
I am one step further (see the picture). Now It pledges to let me in if I ‘allow’… but no poor chance to press anything!
Comment 6•5 years ago
If I remember correctly, Messenger video calls only work in Chrome (and I suppose Edge and Opera). I don't think I've ever gotten it working in Firefox, and SeaMonkey shares Firefox's WebRTC code, so it likely won't work in SeaMonkey either.
frg: Sounds good. It's not urgent for me - SeaMonkey is not my main browser anymore (I use Firefox) but it is my email client and HTML editor :) Just wanted to make sure the problem was documented somewhere.