Closed Bug 1643447 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

AttributeError: 'RemoteXPCShellTestThread' object has no attribute 'remoteDebuggerArgs'


(Testing :: XPCShell Harness, defect, P2)



(firefox79 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox79 --- fixed


(Reporter: gbrown, Assigned: gbrown)



(Whiteboard: dev-prod-2020)


(1 file)

I tried to run xpcshell-test with debug args:

./mach xpcshell-test --noSetup netwerk/test/unit/test_simple.js --debugger=gdbserver64 --debugger-args=:5039
 0:00.37 adb INFO Using adb 1.0.41
 0:00.80 adb INFO adbd running as root
 0:00.91 adb INFO su -c setenforce 0 exitcode 0, stdout: None
 0:01.25 adb INFO su 0 supported
 0:01.48 adb INFO /system/bin/ls -1A supported
 0:01.59 adb INFO Native cp support: True
 0:01.70 adb INFO Native chmod -R support: True
 0:01.82 adb INFO Native chown -R support: True
 0:01.93 adb INFO Setting SELinux Permissive
 0:02.16 adb INFO Native pidof support: True
Error: Could not find debugger gdbserver64.
Is it installed? Is it in your PATH?
 0:05.64 INFO ro.product.cpu.abi x86_64
 0:05.65 INFO Using abi x86_64.
 0:05.66 INFO Found node at /home/gbrown/.mozbuild/node/bin/node
 0:05.66 INFO Found moz-http2 at /gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/moz-http2/moz-http2.js
 0:05.79 INFO Found /gbrownune/B2G/objdir-gecko/dist/bin/http3server
 0:05.79 INFO Using /gbrownune/B2G/gecko/netwerk/test/http3serverDB
 0:05.79 ERROR Could not run the http3 server: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
 0:06.10 INFO reversed MOZHTTP2_PORT connection for port tcp:41469
 0:06.21 INFO reversed MOZNODE_EXEC_PORT connection for port tcp:46025
 0:06.21 INFO Running tests sequentially.
 0:06.22 SUITE_START: xpcshell - running 1 tests
 0:07.12 INFO profile dir is /data/local/tmp/tests/xpc/p
 0:08.49 INFO Following exceptions were raised:
 0:08.49 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 187, in run
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 659, in run_test
    self.command = self.buildXpcsCmd()
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 159, in buildXpcsCmd
    xpcsCmd = [self.remoteDebugger, self.remoteDebuggerArgs] + xpcsCmd
AttributeError: 'RemoteXPCShellTestThread' object has no attribute 'remoteDebuggerArgs'

Error running mach:

    ['xpcshell-test', '--noSetup', 'netwerk/test/unit/test_simple.js', '--debugger=gdbserver64', '--debugger-args=:5039']

The error occurred in code that was called by the mach command. This is either
a bug in the called code itself or in the way that mach is calling it.
You can invoke |./mach busted| to check if this issue is already on file. If it
isn't, please use |./mach busted file| to report it. If |./mach busted| is
misbehaving, you can also inspect the dependencies of bug 1543241.

If filing a bug, please include the full output of mach, including this error

The details of the failure are as follows:

AttributeError: 'RemoteXPCShellTestThread' object has no attribute 'remoteDebuggerArgs'

  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 274, in run_xpcshell_test
    return xpcshell.run_test(**params)
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 212, in run_test
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 1551, in runTests
    mobileArgs, **kwargs)
  File "/gbrownune/B2G/gecko/testing/xpcshell/", line 1748, in runTestList
    raise exceptions[0]
Whiteboard: dev-prod-2020

Once remoteDebbugerArgs is addressed, the bigger problem is apparent: you can use --debugger and --debugger-args to start gdbserver64, but the output from gdbserver64 is buffered. It likely includes the pid, required for use in -- but you can't see that until you break out of xpcw. We should report the remote output as it is generated, when running in a remote debugger.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P2

Avoid AttribueError when trying to access self.remoteDebuggerArgs.

Pushed by
Allow 'mach xpcshell-test --debugger-args=...' on android; r=bc
See Also: → 1645925
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla79
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


