Open Bug 1643893 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Compare files between other locales using English help and en-US for differences


(SeaMonkey :: Help Documentation, task)


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: iannbugzilla, Unassigned)


Most locales that use English for their help files (apart from en-GB) probably just took a copy of the en-US files. Some may have updated them since with changes that happened to en-US, but a lot may have just stayed unchanged. It would be worth doing an audit (via diff or similar tool) to see if any additional changes need to be ported.
Probably a patch per locale is best approach.

Summary: Compare files between other locales using English elp files and en-US for differences → Compare files between other locales using English help and en-US for differences

Do we have some "latest snapshot" of the locales behind current 2.53.8B1?

Sorry misunderstood the question. Thought it was if the 2.53.8b1 snapshot was current.

(In reply to Ian Neal from comment #3)


Thx, I'll have a look the next rainy weekend.

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