Open Bug 164737 Opened 23 years ago Updated 17 years ago

Preference to close unrequested popups when parent page is gone


(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)


(Reporter: matt, Unassigned)


Since the official Netscape release doesn't have the Preferences UI to disable unrequested popups (right?), how about this: a page keeps track of the unrequested popups it generates, and when it unloads it closes all of them. That way, if you go to a page with oodles of popup ads, they'll all magically disapear as toon as you exit the page.
Well, sometimes that unrequested pop-up is actually a placeholder while another page loads. I don't see why this 'new' UI would be included in Netscape when the other one isn't. All a user has to do is edit the prefs.js manually.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Assignee: bugs → prefs
QA Contact: bugzilla
(Filter "spam" on 'prefs-nobody-20080612'.)
Assignee: prefs → nobody
QA Contact: prefs
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