Open Bug 1651349 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Intermittent /infrastructure/reftest/reftest.https.html | application crashed [@ NS_IsMainThread() + 0x6]


(Testing :: web-platform-tests, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure)

Crash Data

Filed by: btara [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2020-07-08T10:47:43.674Z] 10:47:43     INFO - TEST-START | /infrastructure/reftest/reftest.https.html
[task 2020-07-08T10:47:43.676Z] 10:47:43     INFO - PID 7332 | 1594205263666	Marionette	INFO	Testing https://web-platform.test:8443/infrastructure/reftest/reftest.https.html == http://web-platform.test:8000/infrastructure/reftest/green.html
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:18.711Z] 10:48:18     INFO - Got timeout in harness
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:18.720Z] 10:48:18     INFO - mozcrash Downloading symbols from:
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.580Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | IPDL protocol error: Handler returned error code!
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.581Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][DispatchAsyncMessage] Error: PContent::Msg_CommitBrowsingContextTransaction Processing error: message was deserialized, but the handler returned false (indicating failure)
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.633Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x390139,name=PContent::Msg_CommitBrowsingContextTransaction) Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.634Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x390150,name=PContent::Msg_CommitWindowContextTransaction) Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.635Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x390139,name=PContent::Msg_CommitBrowsingContextTransaction) Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.636Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][MessageChannel] Error: (msgtype=0x390139,name=PContent::Msg_CommitBrowsingContextTransaction) Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.688Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.689Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.689Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.689Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.690Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.690Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.690Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.690Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.691Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.691Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.691Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.692Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | ###!!! [Parent][RunMessage] Error: Channel error: cannot send/recv
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:20.692Z] 10:48:20     INFO - PID 7332 | A content process crashed and MOZ_CRASHREPORTER_SHUTDOWN is set, shutting down
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:21.685Z] 10:48:21     INFO - PID 7332 | [Parent 10548, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/base/, line 166
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:22.317Z] 10:48:22     INFO - PID 7332 | 1594205302310	Marionette	INFO	Stopped listening on port 53084
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:23.495Z] 10:48:23     INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: Z:\task_1594203822\fetches\minidump_stackwalk\minidump_stackwalk.exe c:\users\task_1594203822\appdata\local\temp\tmpj5xdar\minidumps\caea02ef-0026-49fa-ac86-9382f318ffa3.dmp c:\users\task_1594203822\appdata\local\temp\tmp9eel6m
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.313Z] 10:48:29     INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as Z:\task_1594203822\build\blobber_upload_dir\caea02ef-0026-49fa-ac86-9382f318ffa3.dmp
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.315Z] 10:48:29     INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as Z:\task_1594203822\build\blobber_upload_dir\caea02ef-0026-49fa-ac86-9382f318ffa3.extra
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.346Z] 10:48:29     INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | /infrastructure/reftest/reftest.https.html | application crashed [@ NS_IsMainThread() + 0x6]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.346Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Crash dump filename: c:\users\task_1594203822\appdata\local\temp\tmpj5xdar\minidumps\caea02ef-0026-49fa-ac86-9382f318ffa3.dmp
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.346Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Operating system: Windows NT
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.346Z] 10:48:29     INFO -                   10.0.17134 
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO -      family 6 model 79 stepping 1
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO -      4 CPUs
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.347Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.348Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Crash reason:  EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.348Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Crash address: 0xe0e56b36
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.348Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Process uptime: 42 seconds
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.348Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.348Z] 10:48:29     INFO - Thread 0 (crashed)
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  0  xul.dll!NS_IsMainThread() + 0x6
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rax = 0x000000000000000d   rdx = 0x000002d5bdd2c000
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rcx = 0x000000e2da9ff150   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsi = 0x000000e2da9ff150   rdi = 0x000000e2da9ff120
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rbp = 0x0000000000000000   rsp = 0x000000e2da9fefd8
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -      r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000010
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.349Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x000002d5bfd34420
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     r12 = 0x0000000080004005   r13 = 0x000000e2da9ff65f
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     r14 = 0x000002d5bd8e3000   r15 = 0x000002d5b7912300
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rip = 0x00007ffce0e56b36
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  1  xul.dll!mozilla::dom::AutoYieldJSThreadExecution::AutoYieldJSThreadExecution() [JSExecutionManager.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 234 + 0x5]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.350Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9fefe0   rip = 0x00007ffce30ca186
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.351Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.351Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  2  xul.dll!mozilla::dom::AutoNoJSAPI::AutoNoJSAPI(JSContext*) [ScriptSettings.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 689 + 0x19]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.351Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff020   rip = 0x00007ffce321262b
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.351Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.351Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  3  xul.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) [nsThread.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 1113 + 0x23]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff060   rip = 0x00007ffce0e5c91d
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  4  xul.dll!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 513 + 0xd]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff630   rip = 0x00007ffce0e604de
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.352Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  5  xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessagePump::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) [MessagePump.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 87 + 0xa]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff680   rip = 0x00007ffce138578a
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  6  xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ : 327 + 0xf]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff6f0   rip = 0x00007ffce13529c9
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.353Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  7  xul.dll!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 309 + 0x5]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff740   rip = 0x00007ffce1352948
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  8  xul.dll!nsBaseAppShell::Run() [nsBaseAppShell.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 137 + 0xd]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff790   rip = 0x00007ffce3310eb8
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -  9  xul.dll!nsAppShell::Run() [nsAppShell.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 430 + 0x8]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.354Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff7d0   rip = 0x00007ffce3385d07
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 10  xul.dll!XRE_RunAppShell() [nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 913 + 0x6]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff820   rip = 0x00007ffce4547d95
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 11  xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ : 327 + 0xf]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.355Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff860   rip = 0x00007ffce13529c9
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.356Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.356Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 12  xul.dll!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 309 + 0x5]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.356Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff8b0   rip = 0x00007ffce1352948
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.356Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 13  xul.dll!XRE_InitChildProcess(int, char**, XREChildData const*) [nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 744 + 0xa]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ff900   rip = 0x00007ffce4547b37
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 14  firefox.exe!NS_internal_main(int, char**, char**) [nsBrowserApp.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 303 + 0x91]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ffb50   rip = 0x00007ff6d2ab154b
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.357Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 15  firefox.exe!wmain(int, wchar_t**) [nsWindowsWMain.cpp:34fb169ef962bb4c06b4436f78b91d94e0e90f4b : 131 + 0x15]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ffd20   rip = 0x00007ff6d2ab11fe
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 16  firefox.exe!__scrt_common_main_seh() [exe_common.inl : 288 + 0x22]
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ffde0   rip = 0x00007ff6d2b057d8
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.358Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 17  kernel32.dll!BaseThreadInitThunk + 0x14
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ffe20   rip = 0x00007ffd29553034
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 18  ntdll.dll!SdbpCheckMatchingFiles + 0x81
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     rsp = 0x000000e2da9ffe50   rip = 0x00007ffd2a421461
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO -     Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-07-08T10:48:29.359Z] 10:48:29     INFO - 
Severity: normal → S3
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