Forms/default bug description content never displays if component is changed after description text is entered
(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, defect)
(Reporter: bytesized, Unassigned)
(1 obsolete file)
I just filed a bug regarding Glean. I initially selected the component "Glean: SDK". After beginning to type my description, I noticed that there was also a component called "Glean Metric Types", which more accurately described the bug I was filing. So I switched components and continued writing my bug description.
As it turns out, continuing my bug description was sort of a waste of time. If I had choosen that component from the beginning, I would have known that I need to fill out a particular form, which would have been pre-populated into the description field.
Bugzilla should tell you when the component you have switched to has a form that needs to be filled out. This would prevent developers from writing bug descriptions that will need to be immediately rewritten.
Updated•1 year ago