Closed Bug 165532 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Disable cross-site loading of XSLT stylesheets by default


(Core :: XSLT, defect, P1)






(Reporter: hjtoi-bugzilla, Assigned: peterv)


(Whiteboard: [sg:mustfix])


(2 files)

IE does not allow cross-site loading of XSLT stylesheets, apparently because of security reasons. It seems like we should follow suit. We have limited external stylesheet loading so that the external stylesheet can only load external resources from the site where the stylesheet resides. Also the original author must have trusted that stylesheet provider at least initially. It is possible that the author did not realize that the XSLT could be malicious (it is a stylesheet, what bad can it do?). Also if the stylesheet provider is hacked the original author may not become aware of that. It should be possible to override this by using trusted sites/domains (for example it seems safe to download stylesheets from W3C), see bug 165531 for how this could be implemented.
Isn't the problem that could try to load a stylesheet from and thereby discover some information that should be secret?
Whiteboard: [sg:mustfix]
Yes, that is also possible, but I think less likely to divulge important information.
We'd like to get this fixed by Mozilla 1.3 so that people don't start depending on cross-site loading of stylesheets. Peter, can you do this?
Peter, can you fix this for 1.3a? The freeze is next Tuesday.
i can try to come up with a patch
Attached patch v1Splinter Review
Attachment #107848 - Flags: superreview?(heikki)
Attachment #107848 - Flags: review?(bugmail)
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.3alpha
Comment on attachment 107848 [details] [diff] [review] v1 >+ > rv = secMan->CheckLoadURI(mDocumentURL, url, > nsIScriptSecurityManager::ALLOW_CHROME); >- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) >- return NS_OK; >- rv = LoadXSLStyleSheet(url); >- } else if (aType.Equals(NS_LITERAL_STRING("text/css"))) { >+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); >+ >+ rv = secMan->CheckSameOriginURI(mDocumentURL, url); >+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); We should probably not return an error-code since that might stop the parsing, which we IMHO shouldn't do. NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_OK) would be ok with me since the warning could be good to have for debugging. With that, r=sicking
Attachment #107848 - Flags: review?(bugmail) → review+
Attachment #107848 - Flags: superreview?(heikki) → superreview+
Checked in.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
mass verifying
Re-opening to clear the verified flag. Pike, can you (or someone) actually verify this? I don't like to see rubber stamp verification for security bugs.
Keywords: verifyme
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Back to resolved, pending verification.
Closed: 22 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Hi, IMHO this "bug" should be reopened and resolved properly, or at the very least, allow hard-disk based XML files (that you have potentially saved from a web server) to connect back to a web server in order to obtain their associated XSL file. I am an avid fan of the Mozilla project and all that it stands for; but am amazed to see a bug beginning with words such as "IE does not allow cross-site loading of XSLT stylesheets, apparently because of security reasons. It seems like we should follow suit."; IE does make a request to a remote XSL file if the XML you are viewing is stored on your local file system! (I have not tried true Cross-site loading) IE actually has another (more serious) bug in the MSXML engine (the DDL which processes XSLT within IE), whereby it ignores the user's language preferences, and does not bother sending ANY "accept-language" header. See the examples I have included for more info. I have included a few sample snippets of XML, XSL and JSP to illustrate my point, and allow replication of the problem I wish to outline. Imagine the following scenario: - An XML data file is generated as part of a batch process and emailed to a customer. (Hundreds of thousands of these files are sent out at a time, and the customer needs to store a copy, hence they are not generated "on the fly" by the web server itself!) - The XML contains pure data, so no internationalisation is required here - The email recipient opens the XML file, which has a stylesheet processing instruction in the header referencing an XSL file back on the server(s) which sent the file. (This XSL file is actually a JSP, so it can be internationalised and have some other useful logic in it) - The email recipient's system web browser (the plan is to support IE and all mozilla variants) opens the XML file, and requests the XSL from the web server. The web server inspects the "accept-language" header from the browser and internationalises the "display and formatting" content in the XSL, allowing the browser to render the XML file as HTML, localised for the user's native language In order to get mozilla to recognise the XSL file correctly, you will need to ensure the web server sets the content-type as "text/xml" or more preferably, "text/xml; charset=UTF-8". If you deploy the WAR file I have attached into Tomcat or JBoss, this should work out of the box. May I recommend one possible solution until security domains are implemented within Mozilla? A popup that asks the user "This XML file is attempting to connect to {URL} to obtain a stylesheet to display this document, do you wish to allow this?" (Yes/No). This would at least allow the user to make the choice of what happens next, rather than the current behaviour which is to strip all the tag information off and display unformatted text, which I personally think is highly undesireable! Other interesting things to try with IE: Deploy the WAR and check http://localhost:8080/xsl/msxml/msxml4-example.html. The Javascript call "window.navigator.browserLanguage" also appears to be broken in Internet Explorer, as I have setup my browser in French, and regional settings are still UK, and this field is still initialised to "en_US"!! If any further information is required, please do not hesitate to ask me as I would really like to get this issue resolved in my favourite browser! Below is the request headers for 2 identical requests, one from IE and one from Mozilla. The following is the debug output from the XSL JSP file. It simply iterates over the Request Headers and prints them out to the log -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Internet Explorer 6 calling http://localhost:8080/xsl/verysimple.xml, output is the result of the request for http://localhost:8080/xsl/verysimple.xsl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- request.getLocale=en_GB ----- Start of Request Headers ----- accept = */* accept-encoding = gzip, deflate user-agent = Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1) host = localhost:8080 connection = Keep-Alive ----- End of Request Headers ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mozilla 1.7.3 opening http://localhost:8080/xsl/verysimple.xml, output is the result of the request for http://localhost:8080/xsl/verysimple.xsl -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- request.getLocale=fr ----- Start of Request Headers ----- host = localhost:8080 user-agent = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040910 accept = text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,*/*;q=0.1 accept-language = fr,en;q=0.5 accept-encoding = gzip,deflate accept-charset = ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7 keep-alive = 300 connection = keep-alive referer = http://localhost:8080/xsl/verysimple.xml cache-control = max-age=0 ----- End of Request Headers -----
mass remove verifyme requests greater than 4 months old
Keywords: verifyme
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