[wpt-sync] Sync PR 25264 - Update interfaces/webrtc.idl
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, task, P4)
(Reporter: wpt-sync, Unassigned)
(Whiteboard: [wptsync downstream])
Sync web-platform-tests PR 25264 into mozilla-central (this bug is closed when the sync is complete).
PR: https://github.com/web-platform-tests/wpt/pull/25264
Details from upstream follow.
autofoolip <auto@foolip.org> wrote:
Update interfaces/webrtc.idl
This PR was automatically created by a bot.
Before merging, please check that any tests that depend on the updated IDL files still work.
If additional changes are needed, please manually create another PR based on this one.
See the README for how the IDL files in this directory are used.
Source: https://github.com/tidoust/reffy-reports/blob/d06a2bf/ed/idl/webrtc.idl
Build: https://travis-ci.org/tidoust/reffy-reports/builds/721788492
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Updated•4 years ago
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Updated•4 years ago
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Updated•4 years ago
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Updated•4 years ago
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Updated•4 years ago
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Comment 1•4 years ago
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Comment 2•4 years ago
CI Results
Ran 12 Firefox configurations based on mozilla-central, and Firefox, Chrome, and Safari on GitHub CI
Total 3 tests and 50 subtests
Status Summary
OK : 3
PASS: 356
FAIL: 192
OK : 3
PASS: 505
FAIL: 43
OK : 3
PASS: 373
FAIL: 175
Gecko CI (Treeherder)
GitHub PR Head
GitHub PR Base
Firefox-only Failures
RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit): FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState: FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange: FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit, VoidFunction, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback): FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate: FAIL
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid: FAIL
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex: FAIL
RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints(): FAIL
RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL
RTCRtpSender interface: operation setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters): FAIL
RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL
RTCRtpSender interface: calling setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL
RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL
RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters(): FAIL
RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL
RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>): FAIL
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>)" with the proper type: FAIL
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface object length: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface object name: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState: FAIL
RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF: FAIL
New Tests That Don't Pass
Test driver for asyncInitTransports: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute connectionState: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration): FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onicecandidateerror: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute onconnectionstatechange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: operation setRemoteDescription(RTCSessionDescriptionInit, VoidFunction, RTCPeerConnectionErrorCallback): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute sctp: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "connectionState" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration)" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: calling setConfiguration(optional RTCConfiguration) on new RTCPeerConnection() with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onicecandidateerror" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "onconnectionstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "sctp" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSessionDescription interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: PASS)
RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: PASS)
RTCSessionDescription interface: attribute sdp: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute candidate: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMid: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute sdpMLineIndex: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute foundation: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute component: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute priority: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute address: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute protocol: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute port: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute tcpType: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedAddress: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute relatedPort: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: attribute usernameFragment: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "foundation" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "component" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "priority" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "address" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "protocol" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "port" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "type" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "tcpType" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedAddress" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceCandidate interface: new RTCIceCandidate({ sdpMid: 1 }) must inherit property "relatedPort" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: attribute url: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent('ice') must inherit property "url" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: PASS)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute address: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute port: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute url: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorCode: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: attribute errorText: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 });: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 });: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "address" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "port" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "url" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorCode" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent interface: new RTCPeerConnectionIceErrorEvent('ice-error', { port: 0, errorCode: 701 }); must inherit property "errorText" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCCertificate interface: operation getFingerprints(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCCertificate interface: idlTestObjects.certificate must inherit property "getFingerprints()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpSender interface: attribute transport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpSender interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpSender interface: operation setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpSender interface: operation setStreams(MediaStream...): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "transport" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpSender interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpSender interface: calling setParameters(RTCRtpSendParameters) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpSender interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender must inherit property "setStreams(MediaStream...)" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpSender interface: calling setStreams(MediaStream...) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').sender with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: attribute transport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getCapabilities(DOMString): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: operation getParameters(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "transport" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: calling getCapabilities(DOMString) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpReceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio').receiver must inherit property "getParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: operation setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') must inherit property "setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>)" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCRtpTransceiver interface: calling setCodecPreferences(sequence<RTCRtpCodecCapability>) on new RTCPeerConnection().addTransceiver('audio') with too few arguments must throw TypeError: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute iceTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: operation getRemoteCertificates(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute onstatechange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: attribute onerror: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "iceTransport" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCertificates()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDtlsTransport interface: idlTestObjects.dtlsTransport must inherit property "onerror" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute role: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute component: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute gatheringState: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalCandidates(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteCandidates(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: operation getSelectedCandidatePair(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: operation getLocalParameters(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: operation getRemoteParameters(): FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onstatechange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute ongatheringstatechange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: attribute onselectedcandidatepairchange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.iceTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of idlTestObjects.iceTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "role" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "component" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "gatheringState" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalCandidates()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteCandidates()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getSelectedCandidatePair()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getLocalParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "getRemoteParameters()" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "ongatheringstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIceTransport interface: idlTestObjects.iceTransport must inherit property "onselectedcandidatepairchange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute transport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute state: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxMessageSize: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute maxChannels: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: attribute onstatechange: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport must be primary interface of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of idlTestObjects.sctpTransport: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "transport" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "state" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxMessageSize" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "maxChannels" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCSctpTransport interface: idlTestObjects.sctpTransport must inherit property "onstatechange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDataChannel interface: attribute onclosing: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDataChannel interface: new RTCPeerConnection().createDataChannel('') must inherit property "onclosing" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCDTMFSender interface: attribute canInsertDTMF: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: PASS)
RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute errorDetail: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute sdpLineNumber: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute sctpCauseCode: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute receivedAlert: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute sentAlert: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: attribute error: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent must be primary interface of new RTCErrorEvent('error'): FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of new RTCErrorEvent('error'): FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCErrorEvent interface: new RTCErrorEvent('error') must inherit property "error" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface object: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface object length: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface object name: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's @@unscopables property: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute idp: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: attribute name: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion must be primary interface of new RTCIdentityAssertion('idp', 'name'): FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
Stringification of new RTCIdentityAssertion('idp', 'name'): FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: new RTCIdentityAssertion('idp', 'name') must inherit property "idp" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCIdentityAssertion interface: new RTCIdentityAssertion('idp', 'name') must inherit property "name" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: attribute idpErrorInfo: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCPeerConnection interface: new RTCPeerConnection() must inherit property "idpErrorInfo" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
RTCError interface: attribute httpRequestStatusCode: FAIL (Chrome: PASS, Safari: FAIL)
MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute isolated: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
MediaStreamTrack interface: attribute onisolationchange: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
MediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "isolated" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)
MediaStreamTrack interface: track must inherit property "onisolationchange" with the proper type: FAIL (Chrome: FAIL, Safari: FAIL)