Closed Bug 1661595 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Section of page disappears after scrolling into view


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Firefox 82



Webcompat Priority ?


(Reporter: sam, Unassigned)





(2 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:82.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/82.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Visit
  2. Scroll down so the comments section is visible.

Actual results:

Moments after the comments section is visible within the viewport, the entire section disappears. See attached screen recording showing this behavior.

Expected results:

The comments section should not disappear when it is scrolled into view. The correct behavior is observed in Chrome and Safari.

Attached file about:support

A few items of note:

  • This happens regardless of whether WebRender is enabled.
  • This happens regardless of whether desktop zooming is enabled.
OS: Unspecified → macOS
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64

I tried running a mozregression and found the issue occurs as far back as the oldest build that runs on this machine (which was a build from 2016), so this is not a recent regression.

I did notice that the comment(s) that disappear depends on window size. At some sizes, both comments disappear. At other sizes, only the first one disappears. At other sizes, only the second one disappears.

I can reproduce the issue on Nightly82.0a1 Windows10.

Component: Untriaged → Layout
Ever confirmed: true
OS: macOS → All
Product: Firefox → Core

I'm not sure this is a Layout issue; it seems to be something the site is doing with JS, whereby it is dynamically changing the page when the comments are scrolled into view, and removing content(!)

Inspecting the area where the "missing" comment was, I see just an empty <div> with the (rather curious) class="cloaked-post" and an explicit min-height so that it still takes up space.

I don't know what the site is really trying to do here.... it seems kinda broken.

Change to S2 for now because this seems a data loss.

Severity: S3 → S2

Confirming that the site is doing something differently via JS in Firefox vs. Chrome as mentioned in comment 4. In Firefox it is hiding the comments as cloaked-post but not applying the same logic for some reason in Chrome. My guess is there is a compat issue with IntersectionObserver usage, as they are probably applying some logic based on viewport intersection.

Maybe someone on the webcompat team has a better way of simplifying this?

Severity: S2 → --
Webcompat Priority: --- → ?
Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski)
Severity: -- → S2

Yeah, this needs some arcane reverse-engineering to figure out what the site's trying to do and why it's behaving differently. :-/ I took a look in a debugger for a bit, and learned the following:

  • UA spoofing doesn't seem to make a difference, so this isn't UA sniffing (thank goodness, kind of).
  • the function e.cloak = function (e, t) {...} in this JS file is the relevant JS function here (it results in adding cloaked-post to the element in question, via a few subsequent steps)
  • In Chrome, that function is simply never called.
  • There is also a preventCloak function, which I initially suspected as being involved, but AFAICT that's never called in Chrome (or Firefox) either.
  • In Firefox, cloak is called via what looks like an onscroll handler -- a function called scrolled that chains off an object. Its definition starts out as scrolled:function(){var i=this;if(!this.isDestroyed&&!this.isDestroying&&!(0,H.isWorkaroundActive)()) and it's defined in that same JS file. (It contains some JS that does return (0, q.cloak) (e, i) which is what triggers the cloak() call.) In Chrome, this scrolled function is never invoked for some reason.

Unfortunately, the callstack above scrolled is 11 stack-frames of JQuery stuff, and I'm not familiar with debugging JS/JQuery code really, so I'm hoping maybe twisniewski or someone on the webcompat team who's got more experience with arcane JS debugging can take a look. :)

See Also: → 1665447

It's maybe possible that bug 1665447 will help with or fix this.

Thanks for pointing that out! Unfortunately, I'm still seeing the issue on today's Nightly, which I believe has the patch from bug 1665447 included.

I'm no longer able to reproduce this in Nightly 84. Would you mind testing again to see if it still reproduces for you with the latest Nightly?

Flags: needinfo?(twisniewski) → needinfo?(sam)

It looks like the page has changed and no longer exhibits this issue.

Closed: 4 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(sam)
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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