Closed Bug 1668327 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

ActiveData is not ingesting fenix MAIN/VIEW tests


(Testing Graveyard :: ActiveData, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mcomella, Unassigned)


I'm trying to use the fenix-retrieval script, which relies on Active Data, to catch startup regressions per-commit in However, the script isn't showing results past 9/15. For getting per-commit regression detection working on fenix – which I think is vital for the FE perf team's success because we're not really stopping regressions otherwise, I think my options are:

  1. Get this working
  2. Wait for the perf sheriffing work to complete (and even if this happens, I'm not sure I'll be able to see the raw data well enough to ensure this is still comparable to our old system, FNPRMS)

I asked sparky what might be wrong and they mentioned,

I think there are some issues with active data ingestion, I'm seeing only one test run after/on sept 22.
From what I know, there's a large backlog from code coverage data that might be delaying the data

It would affect all platforms for perftest view/main (and likely many other tests too)

The tests are still running and the data still appears to be available in treeherder.

This component is no longer maintained so closing as WONTFIX
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Testing → Testing Graveyard
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