Open Bug 1669054 Opened 4 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Various D3D11 images do not handle display offset settings properly.


(Core :: Graphics, defect, P3)





(Reporter: jya, Unassigned)



Seen in bug 1595994

A YUV image, regardless of the format is described by various planes (Y, Cb, Cr) each having a width and a height ; a display rectangle with a width, height and offset coordinate (X,Y).

The display rectangle is typically used to indicate when an image has an odd height or width, or if the underlying codec doesn't allow sizes that aren't a multiple of 16 (like H264).
It's also used to indicate an aspect ratio.

Most of the ImageHost implementations assumed that the Y plane dimensions equaled the image dimensions; this was corrected in P1E of bug 1595994)

The display offset coordinates is often handled incorrectly, or not handled at all (like the RenderDXGITextureHostOGL object)

This could lead to incorrect cropping when the image is displayed.

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
Component: Graphics: Layers → Graphics
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