Open Bug 1670725 Opened 4 years ago Updated 1 month ago

truncate URL bar from the front, preserve the important parts of the domain


(Fenix :: Toolbar, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: kirtikumar.a.r, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: csectype-spoof, sec-moderate, Whiteboard: [reporter-external] [client-bounty-form] [verif?])

Assigned to:- Firefox
Assigned by:- Kirtikumar Anandrao Ramchandani
Assigned on:- 11/10/2020
Vulnerability Name:- Hostname not elided securely (URL Spoofing on Android browser).
Vulnerability Details:- The browser shown the first past instead of the hostname.
Platform:- Android
Application Version:-

  1. Firefox Browser 81.1.4
  2. Firefox Lite 2.5.2
  3. Firefox Browser Beta 82.0.0-beta.4
  4. Firefox Focus 8.8.1
  5. Firefox Nightly 201010 17:10
    Device:- Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 Pro (Android 9) (Build/PKQ1.180904.001)
    Video Proof of concept:-
    Original PoC uploaded on:-
    The result observed:-
    Result Expected:-

Steps to reproduce:-

  1. Load the Website or the attached testcase.
  2. Click on "Click here to go to"
  3. Go back to the parent tab and observe the URL in the address bar.
Flags: sec-bounty?
Group: firefox-core-security → mobile-core-security
Type: task → defect
Component: Security → Security: Android
Product: Firefox → Fenix

I don't see what the popup does here. It does not seem particularly important to this. This seems like a variant of and that the parts of the domain that Firefox chooses to display could be improved.

This is a regression from Fennec - I'm pretty sure there much be a dupe (in addition to Chris's github issue)

Ever confirmed: true
See Also: → 1598175
Summary: URL Spoofing → truncate URL bar from the front, preserve the important parts of the domain

Petru, Can you investigate this one, and check if the github issue mentioned by kevin is related to this. Thanks!

The ideal solution here is for GV to fix bug 1685152 and then port the Fennec or Desktop URL parsing code to Fenix/AC.

Seems like the issue Kevin posted would indeed resolve this and was something that Sebastian & Kate wanted to tackle.
If they don't have cyles to work on this now I'll look into it.
Keeping a NI here to know to follow this.

Agi's newly opened ticket would probably help with this.
Thank you Kevin!
Adding him to this ticket also.

Flags: needinfo?(petru.lingurar)

Happy new year!
Opera has fixed the same issue in Opera Mini (Android). Here:

See Also: → 1689192

Unfortunately this issue was already known to us (see the linked github issue) and is not eligible for a bug bounty.

Flags: sec-bounty? → sec-bounty-

This issue will atleast receive CVE, yes? Issue where it shows LTR instead of RTL. Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)

I don't know how advisories and CVEs are handled for Firefox Lite.

Can you add somebody in the CC who can assign a CVE?

Flags: needinfo?(dveditz)
Flags: needinfo?(petru.lingurar)

GV would expose Gecko's URI API (bug 1685152) to Fenix frontend.

Severity: -- → S3
Depends on: 1685152
Priority: -- → P3
OS: Unspecified → Android
Component: Security: Android → Toolbar
Group: mobile-core-security
Closed: 1 year ago
Duplicate of bug: 1598175
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Ever confirmed: true
Duplicate of this bug: 1813212
Duplicate of this bug: 1836598
Duplicate of this bug: 1860399
See Also: → 1629684
Duplicate of this bug: 1865924

See also RTL bug 1427647

Duplicate of this bug: 1874246
Priority: P3 → P2
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