Closed Bug 167107 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[cyrus] Cannot see folders with more depth than 2 in subscribe dialog


(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: birkirj, Assigned: rebron)


(Whiteboard: [need info])

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.1) Gecko/20020826

In subcribe dialog for mailbox mailboxes with more depth then 2 do not appear.
Only if I create a folder deeper than 2 I can see it. But if unsubscribed it
cannot be subscribed again because it has depth 3 in the folder tree.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. create folder public_folders.projects.big
2. open subscribe dialog and unsubscribe public_folders.projects.big
3. close subscribe dialog
4. open subscribe dialog 

Actual Results:  
does not appear under public_folders.projects

Expected Results:  
Shown folder public_folders.projects.big
in subscribe dialog

Works fine under netscape 7.0 
imap server: cyrus imap
cyradm show correct access rights

This bug renders makes us unable to uppgrade to mozilla 1.1
Summary: Cannot see folders with more depth than 2 in subrice dialog → Cannot see folders with more depth than 2 in subscribe dialog
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.1b) Gecko/20020721

I experience the same problem in Mozilla 1.1b. Also connecting to an cyrus imap
server. I'm unable to subscribe to the folder "privat.Kedjan". But it only has a
depth of 1. The same goes for other folders on this level. Maybe it's because
our installation put the subfolders below the inbox - the full name for the
folder is "INBOX.privat.Kedjan", and you get a depth of 2.

The folder is shown in the subscribe window, but not subscribable.
Now WFM on Mozilla 1.2b on Win 2000.

However, I still cannot subscribe to the folder named INBOX.IN_spammigt. Maybe 
it has something to do with the underscore?

I am still seeing the problem in Mozilla 1.0.1, 1.2b, and netscape 7.0. I found
that Subscribe only searches "%" and "%/%" for folder listings. For example,
when generating the mail directory listing, it uses the following command sequence:

12 list "" "INBOX"
13 lsub "" "mail/*"
14 list "" "mail/%"
15 list "" "mail/%/%"
16 lsub "" "#mhinbox*"

I also found that the account/folder panel on the main Mail window, follows this
pattern, if the "Show only subscribed folders" setting is deselected.

Hardware: PC.
Platforms: GNU/Linux, Windows ME, Windows 2000
QA Contact: huang → gchan
confirming, based on all the comments and jay smith's comment here:
Assignee: mscott → sspitzer
Ever confirmed: true
are the people who are seeing this all using cyrus?

I don't see this with my imap server, but I'm not using cyrus.
Summary: Cannot see folders with more depth than 2 in subscribe dialog → [cyrus] Cannot see folders with more depth than 2 in subscribe dialog
I am using the uw-imapd.
A) Seth asked me to clarify my imap versions.

(This Mozilla is running on a Red Hat 8 server to which we are migrating. Our
old server [still the primary] is an RH 6.x.  I have tested using two different
user accounts, one using the IMAP on the RH6x and the other using the IMAP on
the RH8. I am getting the same results from both IMAP systems.)

   a) Red Hat 6.0 with kernel 2.2.5-15 and considerable updates (notably glibc
1.2.3-1). UW IMAP ver 4.5 release 3 from Red Hat supplied RPM imap-4.5-3

   b) Red Hat 8.0 with kernel 2.4.18-18.8.0 and all but the latest updates via
RH up2date. UW IMAP vers 2001a release 15 from Red Hat supplied RPMs (from RH
install CD). 

   Mozilla 1.2.1 (Xft build) from Mozilla RPMs
   Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021202


(This all relates to behavior when the "see non-subscribed folders" option HAS
been selected. This "see non-subscribed folders" feature is the best thing since
sliced bread, if it can be made to work -- I love it if it works.)

1) Initial behavior of folder list in left pane.

a) When account is first created, the folder list in the left pane is
automatically expanded, _but_ is visibly populated only two levels deep. Example:
   - #shared
      - Lists
         Mozilla  (there is no plus or minus on this one)
         Bugilla  (there is no plus or minus on this one)
      - Projects
         Urgent  (there is no plus or minus on this one)
         More Urgent  (there is no plus or minus on this one)

b) If you click on the "-" for "Lists" (to close and thus turns to "+") and THEN
 click on the resulting "+", "Lists" opens AND "Mozilla" opens with a "-" on it
AND "Mozilla then shows its subfolders. Example:

   - #shared
      - Lists
         - Mozilla
             Bugs  (there is no plus or minus on this one)
             Tips  (there is no plus or minus on this one)

c) If you repeat the process in "b" on "Mozilla", then you open more further.

   - #shared
      - Lists
         - Mozilla
            - Bugs  
                 Mail  (this is an end-point mailbox)
                 Browser  (this is an end-point mailbox)
            - Tips  (there is no plus or minus on this one)
                 Preferences  (this is an end-point mailbox)
                 Browsing  (this is an end-point mailbox)

       (Note in our email system, this manual process would 
       take at least 15 minutes -- there are hundreds of 
       folders that contain folders or end-point mail boxes.)

2) Behavior of FILE button and (Menu) Messsages, Move[Copy] folder and mail box

a) Once the folder list in the left pane is left fully expanded by the method in
 "1" above, then the FILE button and (Menu) Messsages, Move[Copy], __DO__ show
all subfolders.  It is _not_ limited anymore -- for _this_ Mozilla session.

b) If Mozilla is exited and restarted....

  i) IF the folder list has been left fully expanded when you exited, then the
FILE button and (Menu) Messsages, Move[Copy], __DO__ show all subfolders.  It is
_not_ limited anymore -- for _this_ Mozilla session.

  ii) HOWEVER, IF the folder list has been partly or fully CLOSED before you
exited, then the FILE button and (Menu) Messsages, Move[Copy], do NOT show all
subfolders.  Those lists are are only two IMAP folder levels deep -- this bug
2003-01-13-08-trunk on XP and
2003-01-13-08-trunk on Red Hat Linux release 7.0 (Guinness) Kernel
2.2.16-22enterprise on an i686

And the following mail servers:
 UW IMAP4rev1 v12.250
 CMU Cyrus Server 1.5.2

Initially when I login I can see folders both in folder pane
and in the subscribe window 4 or 5 levels deep.

When I unsubscribed to all subfolders and quit/restarted and
relogged in and went to subscribe window, only the top most
folder is available in subscribe window. What's funny is that
folder pane is still showing/displaying the subfolders but
I can't subscribe to them since in subscribe window they are not
showing, so I've lost them.

hope this info helps.

I have just realized that the 22 January freeze for the 1.3 version is almost
here. I am _begging_ to get this bug fixed for the 1.3 version.  

If this bug is not fixed my company will have to continue using Netscape 4.76 on
Red Hat 6.x for mail. Can you believe it?  We are in the midst of migrating to
Red Hat 8 and have really hit a wall on this.

This bug is extremely serious to business users with lots of IMAP folder levels. 
This is especially true because of the missing "open all" or "open selected"
button in the Subscribe dialog (that's a different reported bug).

Please don't make us stay on NS 4.76 -- if it does not crash each user at least
five times a day (now that M$ has figured out how to break it with their HTML
emails about a year ago), the users are not at their desks.


If you need anything, call TOLL-FREE 1-800-447-8267  9-9 EST (USA).

nominating but this was also present in 1.0.2 builds (7.01).
As I am not totally familiar with subscribe and cyrus imap
servers. As I am testing it, I see the same problem as described
in comment 8.

But reporter says this did work in 7.0. 

other similar related bugs: bug 186889
Keywords: nsbeta1
Mail triage team: need info from Rafael.
Assignee: sspitzer → rebron
Whiteboard: [need info]

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 138759 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
This is a dupe of bug 138759, please update your votes.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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