Open Bug 1672195 Opened 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Move ActivityDelegate from GeckoRuntime to GeckoView


(GeckoView :: General, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: jonalmeida, Unassigned)



Separating out this issue into it's own tracking issue based off the discussion in bug 1671988 comment 2:

On a related note, could the ActivityDelegate be added to the GeckoView instance instead where we have a reference to a fragment/activity? I can also file a separate issue for this discussion.

It's possible, but it's not really in line with how Web Authn works in Gecko right now, so we punted on that in order to get things going sooner.

The API can be a bit awkward when the runtime is part of the app lifecycle instead of the activity lifecycle, so we have to ensure we have one activity for the same runtime to receive the events or make every activity return the result back to the runtime.

Priority: -- → P3
Severity: -- → N/A
See Also: → 1806191
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