Open Bug 1673696 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

'ctrl' / 'cmd' + "up" and "down" keys show disabled search engines in the search bar


(Firefox :: Search, enhancement, P5)




Tracking Status
firefox81 --- affected
firefox82 --- affected
firefox83 --- affected
firefox84 --- affected


(Reporter: florencia.diciocco, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


[Sugested Severity:]

Using the keys 'ctrl' / 'cmd' + "up" and "down" show disabled search engines in the search bar


  1. Launch Firefox and open a new tab
  2. Go to about:preferences#search
  3. Enable the search bar by clicking on the "Add search bar in toolbar" option
  4. Deselect one or several search engines from the One-click search engines list
  5. Start typing inside the Search Bar
  6. Select 'ctrl' / 'cmd' + "up" and "down" keys

[Actual Result:]
Diselected/disabled one-offs are shown as an option when pressing 'ctrl' / 'cmd' + "up" and "down" keys

[Expected Result:]
The default search engine becomes the previous/next one enabled from the list.

I went as far back as version 74 and this behavior was still present. This is not a recent regression.

So this is confusing but technically expected behaviour, the CMD up / down changes the default engine and the "disable" toggle is for disabling the display of one off search buttons in the url bar, it doesnt disable them from being enabled as default.

However in the depended on meta bug we want to address the confusion that "disabled" engines are causing and so will P5 it and depend on that, when the seach-alias bugs are resolved we can go through and check this case is also addressed

Severity: -- → S4
Type: defect → enhancement
Depends on: search-alias
Priority: -- → P5


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