Intermittent /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.beginPath.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation]
(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure)
Crash Data
Filed by: malexandru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.745Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL end of group: NOTIFICATION: pass 1
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.745Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL start of group: NOTIFICATION: pass 2
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.745Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL start of group: NOTIFICATION: picture cache target
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.746Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL start of group: NOTIFICATION: target init
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.746Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL end of group: NOTIFICATION: target init
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.arcTo.shape.end.html | arcTo() does not draw anything from P1 to P2
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore.htm | IDBCursor.delete() - object store - remove a record from the object store
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore2.htm | IDBCursor.delete() - object store - attempt to remove a record in a read-only transaction
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.arcTo.shape.start.html | arcTo() draws a straight line from P0 to P1
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore3.htm | IDBCursor.delete() - index - attempt to remove a record in an inactive transaction
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.748Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.arcTo.transformation.html | arcTo joins up to the last subpath point correctly
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore4.htm | IDBCursor.delete() - object store - throw InvalidStateError caused by object store been deleted
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/ | arcTo() with zero radius draws a straight line from P0 to P1
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /IndexedDB/idbcursor_delete_objectstore5.htm | IDBCursor.delete() - object store - throw InvalidStateError when the cursor is being iterated
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/ | arcTo() with zero radius draws a straight line from P0 to P1, even when all points are collinear
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.beginPath.html | Canvas test: 2d.path.beginPath - assert_equals: Red channel of the pixel at (50, 25) expected 0 but got 254
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - _assertPixel@http://web-platform.test:8000/html/canvas/resources/canvas-tests.js:38:18
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - @http://web-platform.test:8000/html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.beginPath.html:28:13
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - Test.prototype.step@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:2038:25
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.749Z] 05:07:24 INFO - _addTest/</<@http://web-platform.test:8000/html/canvas/resources/canvas-tests.js:66:15
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.750Z] 05:07:24 INFO - Test.prototype.step@http://web-platform.test:8000/resources/testharness.js:2038:25
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.750Z] 05:07:24 INFO - _addTest/<@http://web-platform.test:8000/html/canvas/resources/canvas-tests.js:63:11
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.750Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL start of group: NOTIFICATION: opaque batches
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.750Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL start of group: NOTIFICATION: B_Solid
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.750Z] 05:07:24 INFO - mozcrash Copy/paste: C:\Users\task_1604032359\fetches\minidump_stackwalk\minidump_stackwalk.exe c:\users\task_1604032359\appdata\local\temp\tmpmlnaue\minidumps\229c0efe-1096-42f1-8012-e2a359520e8e.dmp C:\Users\task_1604032359\build\symbols
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:24.751Z] 05:07:24 INFO - PID 2912 | INFO: insertMessage(183): GL end of group: NOTIFICATION: B_Solid
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:33.971Z] 05:07:33 INFO - TEST-OK | /IndexedDB/idbdatabase-transaction-exception-order.html | took 452ms
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:33.971Z] 05:07:33 INFO - TEST-START | /IndexedDB/idbdatabase_close.htm
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:33.976Z] 05:07:33 INFO - Closing window 283
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.168Z] 05:07:34 INFO - mozcrash Saved minidump as C:\Users\task_1604032359\build\blobber_upload_dir\229c0efe-1096-42f1-8012-e2a359520e8e.dmp
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.168Z] 05:07:34 INFO - mozcrash Saved app info as C:\Users\task_1604032359\build\blobber_upload_dir\229c0efe-1096-42f1-8012-e2a359520e8e.extra
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.257Z] 05:07:34 INFO - PROCESS-CRASH | /html/canvas/element/path-objects/2d.path.beginPath.html | application crashed [@ mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation()]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.257Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Mozilla crash reason: MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(false) (NS_SUCCEEDED(mTranslationTaskQueue->Dispatch( NewRunnableMethod("CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation", this, &CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation))))
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.257Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Crash dump filename: c:\users\task_1604032359\appdata\local\temp\tmpmlnaue\minidumps\229c0efe-1096-42f1-8012-e2a359520e8e.dmp
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.258Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Operating system: Windows NT
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.258Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 10.0.17134
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.258Z] 05:07:34 INFO - CPU: amd64
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.259Z] 05:07:34 INFO - family 6 model 94 stepping 3
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.259Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 8 CPUs
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.259Z] 05:07:34 INFO -
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.260Z] 05:07:34 INFO - GPU: UNKNOWN
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.260Z] 05:07:34 INFO -
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.260Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Crash reason: EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.260Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Crash address: 0x98ccc83f
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.261Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Assertion: Unknown assertion type 0x00000000
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.261Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Process uptime: 283 seconds
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.261Z] 05:07:34 INFO -
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.262Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Thread 42 (crashed)
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.262Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 0 xul.dll!mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator::StartTranslation() [CanvasTranslator.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 163 + 0x0]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.262Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rax = 0x00007ff8a06b518a rdx = 0x00007ff8d92aa640
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.262Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rcx = 0x00007ff8ceffd7d0 rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.263Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsi = 0x000001ed9fb41000 rdi = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.263Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3ef40
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.263Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r8 = 0x0000003a58c390a8 r9 = 0x0000003a58c3a6c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.263Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r10 = 0x0000000000000000 r11 = 0x0000003a58c3a5d0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.264Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.264Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0 r15 = 0x0000000000000000
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.265Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff898ccc83f
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.265Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.265Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 1 xul.dll!mozilla::detail::RunnableMethodImpl<mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator ,void (mozilla::layers::CanvasTranslator::)(),1,mozilla::RunnableKind::Standard>::Run() [nsThreadUtils.h:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 1240 + 0x11]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.265Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.266Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3efb0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.266Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.266Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff898d00b81
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.267Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.267Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 2 xul.dll!mozilla::TaskQueue::Runner::Run() [TaskQueue.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 158 + 0xd]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.267Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.268Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3efe0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.268Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.268Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8976d0595
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.268Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.269Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 3 xul.dll!nsThreadPool::Run() [nsThreadPool.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 299 + 0xd]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.269Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.269Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f0a0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.269Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.270Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8976ea1c5
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.270Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.270Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 4 xul.dll!nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) [nsThread.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 1197 + 0xd]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.270Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.271Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f260 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.271Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.271Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8976e1373
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.271Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.272Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 5 xul.dll!NS_ProcessNextEvent(nsIThread*, bool) [nsThreadUtils.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 513 + 0x14]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.272Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.272Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f400 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.272Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.273Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8976e7982
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.273Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.273Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 6 xul.dll!mozilla::ipc::MessagePumpForNonMainThreads::Run(base::MessagePump::Delegate*) [MessagePump.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 302 + 0xa]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.274Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.274Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f450 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.274Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.275Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff897fad947
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.275Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.275Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 7 xul.dll!MessageLoop::RunHandler() [ : 327 + 0x8]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.275Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.276Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f4c0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.276Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.276Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff897f4bd30
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.277Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.277Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 8 xul.dll!MessageLoop::Run() [ : 309 + 0x5]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.277Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.277Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f510 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.278Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.278Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff897f4bbf2
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.278Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.279Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 9 xul.dll!static nsThread::ThreadFunc(void*) [nsThread.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 442 + 0x8]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.279Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.280Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f560 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.280Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.280Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8976dd78d
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.280Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.281Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 10 nss3.dll!PR_NativeRunThread(void*) [pruthr.c:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 399 + 0xe]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.281Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.281Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f730 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.282Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.282Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8ba65e4b2
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.282Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.283Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 11 nss3.dll!pr_root(void*) [w95thred.c:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 139 + 0xd]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.283Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.284Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f7b0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.284Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.284Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8ba64ee51
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.285Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.285Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 12 ucrtbase.dll + 0x1c4be
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.285Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbx = 0x000001ed9fbb32e0 rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.286Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f7e0 r12 = 0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.286Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r13 = 0x000001ed9fbb3260 r14 = 0x000001eda06f95b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.286Z] 05:07:34 INFO - r15 = 0x0000000000000000 rip = 0x00007ff8d91dc4be
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.286Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.287Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 13 ucrtbase.dll + 0x1c480
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.287Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f808
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.287Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8d91dc480
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.288Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.288Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 14 kernel32.dll!guard_dispatch_icall_nop + 0x86d4
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.288Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f810
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.289Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8db583034
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.289Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.289Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 15 ucrtbase.dll + 0x1c480
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.289Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f838
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.290Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8d91dc480
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.290Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.290Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 16 mozglue.dll!patched_BaseThreadInitThunk(int, void*, void*) [WindowsDllBlocklist.cpp:9a7e5873fac52c3fea4e8d9843e0aaf8e9158eb7 : 588 + 0x25]
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.291Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f840
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.291Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8cef38f44
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.291Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.292Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 17 ntdll.dll + 0x71461
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.292Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f8b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.292Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8dbea1461
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.293Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: call frame info
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.293Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 18 KERNELBASE.dll!guard_dispatch_icall_nop + 0xe15b0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.293Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rbp = 0x000001ed9486e2c0 rsp = 0x0000003a58c3f8e0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.294Z] 05:07:34 INFO - rip = 0x00007ff8d8d8bf10
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.294Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Found by: stack scanning
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.294Z] 05:07:34 INFO -
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.295Z] 05:07:34 INFO - Thread 0
[task 2020-10-30T05:07:34.295Z] 05:07:34 INFO - 0 win32u.dll!NtUserMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx + 0x14
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Updated•2 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 5•5 months ago
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