Open Bug 1678329 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Retrigger button should use 'retrigger' action instead of 'retrigger-multiple'


(Tree Management :: Treeherder, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: ahal, Unassigned)




(1 file)

There are two in-tree actions related to retriggering tasks:

  1. retrigger - takes a task id as input
  2. retrigger-multiple - takes a list of task labels as input

Currently the retrigger button performs the latter action, and the former is relegated to the Custom Actions dialog. The problem with this is that some tasks (like backfills and decision tasks) require the former. Backfills because the internal task definition is different than the tasks on this push, and decision tasks because they require elevated scopes.

Since I don't believe it is possible to retrigger multiple tasks using that button anyway, we should switch these around. Have the button use the retrigger action, and put retrigger-multiple under Custom Actions.

Details of what needs to be changed can be found here:

We don't specifically assign any action in that Custom Actions section. We just take what we get back by fetching the available actions for a job. So we just display what we get by fetching actions.json. But it's easy enough to change from using retrigger-multiple to retrigger on the retrigger button.

My first attempt at this didn't take this bug into consideration: Bug 1521032.

Wes had been working on handling the case when someone presses the r key multiple times in a row. This is where retrigger-multiple came from.

Some tasks don't actually have a retrigger action in actions.json. So it was falling back to add-new-jobs action. That latter action is better than nothing, but not ideal because it creates a whole new task, not retrigger the existing task.

If the tasks have retrigger-disabled instead of retrigger, we probably want to use rerun.

Component: Treeherder: Job Triggering & Cancellation → TreeHerder
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