Open Bug 1678531 Opened 4 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Context menu position is wrong if Fenix is opened in split area on Android versions <= 10


(Fenix :: General, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ekager, Unassigned)




From github:

Steps to reproduce

  1. Use split screen mode or popup mode of Galaxy
  2. Open Fenix at non-top-left of the screen
  3. Long-tap to select text

Expected behavior

The context menu for selected text should be near the selected text.

Actual behavior

The position is moved bottom-left than the expexted position in split screen mode.

In popup mode, it's more complicated. The position is seems right if Fenix is at near the top-left of the screen. However, moving to bottom left, the context menu becomes hidden. But moving to top-left, it's shown again.

Device information

  • Android device: Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e, Android 10, One UI 2.5
  • Fenix version: Today's Nightly (Nightly 201119 17:01 (Build #2015776587), AC: 68.0.20201119143053, b7e6ad09e, GV: 85.0a1-20201118041908, AS: 67.0.0)

Change performed by the Move to Bugzilla add-on.

I'm the original reporter, so, feel free to ask anything about the detail to me.

Flags: needinfo?(agi)

Emily (sorry) I think this is also a AC/Fenix bug, I suspect what's going on here is that the app doesn't account for the fact that the top of the activity is not the top of the screen and so the offset is wrong.

Flags: needinfo?(agi) → needinfo?(ekager)
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → MOVED
Flags: needinfo?(ekager)

Reopening and moving to Fenix component.

Severity: -- → S3
Product: GeckoView → Fenix
Resolution: MOVED → ---
Summary: [Bug] Context menu position is wrong if Fenix is opend in split area → Context menu position is wrong if Fenix is opened in split area

Android 10 or early doesn't have an API to get current window coordinate. AndroidX seems to use the reflection to get it. I need to check whether we can use same way.

Bug 1817924 fixed this issue for Android 11+, but we still want to track this bug for Android versions <= 10.

Priority: -- → P2
Summary: Context menu position is wrong if Fenix is opened in split area → Context menu position is wrong if Fenix is opened in split area on Android versions <= 10
Duplicate of this bug: 1811658
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