Closed Bug 16835 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[JavaScript] Clicking within image map grays out frame


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect, P3)






(Reporter: scalkins, Assigned: vidur)




Happens on all platforms with build 1999-10-19-09 M11 Steps to reproduce: 1) Go to URL in Mozilla. 2) Click on the "Sign In" link located at the top right (and/or top left) of this site's home page. Actual results: You will crash before the "Sign In" dialog appears. Expected Results: A sign in dialog appears allowing you to Sign In and do online grocery shopping.
Severity: critical → normal
QA Contact: leger → desale
Using the 1999102810-1999110108 Win32/Linux/Mac OS builds, I'm not seeing a crash. Instead, it replaces the top page frame with a gray background. (http:// Clicking on "Sign In" comprises invoking a ChgImage JavaScript script contained within the page's frame. QA Assigning to Prashant, in case he might know who receives this.
Summary: Crash when signing in at this URL → [JavaScript] Clicking within image map grays out frame
I see two different problems on this page now, and can't get to the original one: * The page redirects to a warning page about cookies because document.cookie is either undefined or null. * The "Sign In" button causes the JavaScript error: JavaScript Error: TypeError: document.TopTb.toptbimg has no properties URL: LineNo: 28 These should probably be filed as separate bugs and marked as dependencies...
I think the first problem is bug 20477. Not marking as dependency since it's platform specific (Linux only) and can be easily worked around. Also, reassigning bug to leger (now default owner of Browser-General) since this is the last of the Browser-General bugs that was assigned by default to Don. That'll make queries easier...
Filed the second problem as bug 20813. Marking as dependency.
Assignee: leger → vidur
Component: Browser-General → DOM Level 1
Updating QA Contact for a reproduce of the first issue with latest build.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Seems like both the bugs that were spawned from this are fixed. And the Sign In button seems to work fine.
Verified with 2000-01-11-09.
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
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