Closed Bug 1683558 Opened 4 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Scaling pages in print preview is not applied on the actual print


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Firefox 84





(Reporter: bugzilla.mozilla, Unassigned)




(Whiteboard: [print2020])


(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0

Steps to reproduce:

Surf on some printable website, e.g.,. Press Menu -> Print. The print preview windows should open up. You now set the scale somewhat lower, say 60%. Klick on "Print" and choose "Print to PDF". Do not change any further settings. Have a look at the PDF and you will immediately recognize that the output has size according to 100% scale and not 60% scale. Independently what you configure and even see in the preview, the PDF-Output has scale 100%! For printing on real printers, its the same.

This worked properly for sure in an older release of Firefox. Sorry, I'm not sure about what is the first version with this bug. But its a problem that already has occurred for some time.

Some extra Informations:

  • Kubuntu 20.10
  • KDE with nothing special
  • Firefox 84.0 (64-bit)
  • Lenovo Thinkpad P1 Gen 2
  • External 4k BenQ Display

Best reagards,
Markus Benter

Actual results:

The page is printed in scale 100%, ignoring whatever is set within the print preview is set.

Expected results:

The printed pages should look exactly like the print preview, that shows the scaled output in a proper way.

OS: Unspecified → Linux
Hardware: Unspecified → x86_64

Setting a component for this issue in order to get the dev team involved.
If you feel it's an incorrect one please feel free to change it to a more appropriate one.

Component: Untriaged → Widget: Gtk
Product: Firefox → Core
Component: Widget: Gtk → Printing: Output

Thanks for the bug report. I tried the steps that you mentioned, but I can't reproduce, using Firefox 84 on Ubuntu 20.10.

Before diving in too much further (and to help identify the variables that might make the bug reproduce for you but not for me/others), it'd be useful to see if this something that reproduces for you in a fresh browser profile (i.e. maybe there's some piece of state in your Firefox profile that's involved in causing the issue here), and/or if it reproduces in Firefox Nightly (i.e. maybe it's already been fixed elsewhere in which case we don't need to spend too much time investigating further).

Would you mind trying:
(1) Create a new browser profile (using the "Create a new profile" button at the special Firefox page about:profiles, and then "Launch profile in new browser", see for more), and see if you can reproduce the issue there?

(2) Download Firefox Nightly from and see if you can reproduce the issue there? (Note that Nightly has a new print dialog by default - it would be useful to know if that dialog is affected, and also if the original print-preview flow is affected. To get the original flow in Firefox Nightly, you'll need to visit about:config and search for print.tab_modal.enabled and double-click the line to set that preference to false.)

Whiteboard: [print2020]
Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla.mozilla)

I tried what you mentioned.

(1) The Bug is still reproducible after creating a new profile and executing the described steps.

(2) The bug is NOT reproducible with Firefox Nightly 87.0a1 (2021-01-30), i.e. most likely it has been fixed with the new print-preview dialog.

Thus, this issue seems to be fixed in a future release and this issue can be marked as resolved. Maybe it is a point to be mentioned by the release notes for Firefox 87.

Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla.mozilla)

Thanks for testing that.

Would you mind trying one other thing in Nightly -- could you set the about:config preference print.tab_modal.enabled to false (which restores the original print workflow), and then see if you can still reproduce the issue?

Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla.mozilla)

If I set print.tab_modal.enabled to false, printing does not work at all. After printing, there is no job within the printer queue. There aren't any error messages and everything looks like it would work properly. However, nothing is printed.

Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla.mozilla)

(In reply to Markus Benter from comment #3)

(2) The bug is NOT reproducible with Firefox Nightly 87.0a1 (2021-01-30), i.e. most likely it has been fixed with the new print-preview dialog.

Thus, this issue seems to be fixed in a future release and this issue can be marked as resolved. Maybe it is a point to be mentioned by the release notes for Firefox 87.

Given this^ (and the fact that the new print-preview dialog shipped long ago now), I think we can consider this fixed.

Please reopen if you can still reproduce this, though. Thanks!

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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