Markdown using incorrect code block
(Bugzilla :: Bugzilla-General, defect)
(Reporter: brodie.gaslam, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:83.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/83.0
Steps to reproduce:
On an ongoing issue tracked in a Bugzilla instance I used markdown formatting to reply, including code blocks in my reply.
Note, I am unsure of the version the bug is on. I don't see an obvious way of pulling the version. This is the bugzilla instance:
Actual results:
The first code block was pulled from a prior comment, and then all subsequent code blocks shifted by one, with the last code block lost.
This is apparent by comparing:
To the version one sees when hitting "reply" on that same comment:
(In reply to brodie.gaslam from comment #13)
I don't have a strong opinion on how
should be treated, other than I
would prefer that it be treated consistently as with any other object in the
function environment. I think automatically treating it as TRUE is
inconsistent with the reason for the change to compare function
environments. Rehashing the original example we had:f <- function(x) function(y) y + x f(0)(5) ## [1] 5 f(1)(5) ## [1] 6 all.equal(f(0), f(1)) # Changed to default to FALSE ## [1] "Component 'x': Mean absolute difference: 1"
... SNIP ...
The text version after clicking the "reply" link is correct and what I intended to post. The markdown version is incorrect, pulling the first block from the last reply with markdown code blocks, and shifting all subsequent code blocks by one.
Expected results:
The markdown version should render the same as the one visible by clicking the "reply" link.