Perma UNEXPECTED-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html | fail-if condition in manifest - We expected at least one failure | browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | We expect at least one when Gecko 86 merges to Beta on 2021-01-25
(Core :: DOM: Networking, defect)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr78 | --- | unaffected |
firefox84 | --- | unaffected |
firefox85 | --- | unaffected |
firefox86 | + | verified |
(Reporter: bogdan_tara, Assigned: smaug)
(Keywords: regression)
(1 file)
Central as Beta simulation:
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:36.164Z] 11:46:36 INFO - TEST-START | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.801Z] 11:46:42 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 11:46:42
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.801Z] 11:46:42 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html | Input Event should be blocked during sync XHR
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.802Z] 11:46:42 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html | Input Event should be processed after synx XHR
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.802Z] 11:46:42 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.802Z] 11:46:42 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html | fail-if condition in manifest - We expected at least one failure
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.802Z] 11:46:42 INFO - TEST-INFO | expected FAIL
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.829Z] 11:46:42 INFO - GECKO(1566) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 130550520MB | residentFast 631MB
[task 2021-01-09T11:46:42.865Z] 11:46:42 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/xhr/tests/test_sync_xhr_event_handling.html | took 6703ms
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.461Z] 12:00:04 INFO - TEST-START | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.461Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | Chrome file doesn't exist: /builds/worker/workspace/build/tests/mochitest/browser/dom/xhr/tests/head.js
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.517Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7f82ede4c400 == 3 [pid = 4512] [id = 2]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.517Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x7f82edd9c3c0) [pid = 4512] [serial = 7] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.517Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 8 (0x7f82ede4d400) [pid = 4512] [serial = 8] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c3c0]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.573Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7fef6a604400 == 0 [pid = 4650] [id = 0] [url = file:///tmp/tmpkTjSj_.mozrunner/file.txt]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.609Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x7fef86962c80) [pid = 4650] [serial = 1] [outer = (nil)] [url = file:///tmp/tmpkTjSj_.mozrunner/file.txt]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.609Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x7fef86934c00) [pid = 4650] [serial = 3] [outer = (nil)] [url = file:///tmp/tmpkTjSj_.mozrunner/file.txt]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.609Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 0 (0x7fef70804c00) [pid = 4650] [serial = 2] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.670Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650, Main Thread] WARNING: Extra shutdown CC: 'i < NORMAL_SHUTDOWN_COLLECTIONS', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/xpcom/base/nsCycleCollector.cpp:3364
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.710Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4650, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(Preferences::InitStaticMembers()) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/modules/libpref/Preferences.cpp:4378
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.731Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(info) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/PermissionDelegateHandler.cpp:348
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.731Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512, Main Thread] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(info) failed: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/extensions/permissions/PermissionDelegateHandler.cpp:348
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.731Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 9 (0x7f82ede51000) [pid = 4512] [serial = 9] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c3c0]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.880Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7f82ede56000 == 4 [pid = 4512] [id = 3]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.880Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 10 (0x7f82edd9c740) [pid = 4512] [serial = 10] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.880Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 11 (0x7f82ede57000) [pid = 4512] [serial = 11] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c740]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:04.936Z] 12:00:04 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 12 (0x7f82ede58400) [pid = 4512] [serial = 12] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c740]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.262Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 66: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.263Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mLocalStore', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xul/XULPersist.cpp:171
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.278Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 66: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.279Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mLocalStore', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xul/XULPersist.cpp:171
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.286Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 66: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.287Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mLocalStore', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xul/XULPersist.cpp:171
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.288Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 66: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.288Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mLocalStore', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xul/XULPersist.cpp:171
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.296Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm, line 66: Error: Can't find profile directory.
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:05.296Z] 12:00:05 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591, Main Thread] WARNING: '!mLocalStore', file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/xul/XULPersist.cpp:171
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:08.640Z] 12:00:08 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7fcc4622e400 == 3 [pid = 4527] [id = 1] [url = moz-extension://5eef38db-de85-4dbb-b071-21007c96cf22/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:08.642Z] 12:00:08 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 11 (0x7fcc30bf5040) [pid = 4527] [serial = 3] [outer = (nil)] [url = moz-extension://5eef38db-de85-4dbb-b071-21007c96cf22/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.410Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7f82f3ee8800 == 3 [pid = 4512] [id = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.460Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7f82ecc6dc00 == 4 [pid = 4512] [id = 4]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.460Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 13 (0x7f82edd9c580) [pid = 4512] [serial = 13] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.460Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 14 (0x7f82ecc6ec00) [pid = 4512] [serial = 14] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c580]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.536Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 15 (0x7f82ecc72000) [pid = 4512] [serial = 15] [outer = 0x7f82edd9c580]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.744Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOCSHELL 0x7f82ecc75c00 == 5 [pid = 4512] [id = 5]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.744Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 16 (0x7f82edd9cc80) [pid = 4512] [serial = 16] [outer = (nil)]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.744Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 17 (0x7f82ecc77000) [pid = 4512] [serial = 17] [outer = 0x7f82edd9cc80]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:10.838Z] 12:00:10 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak ++DOMWINDOW == 18 (0x7f82edd97c00) [pid = 4512] [serial = 18] [outer = 0x7f82edd9cc80]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:11.703Z] 12:00:11 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Parent 4455: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 14 (0x7fc42c904400) [pid = 4455] [serial = 8] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:12.704Z] 12:00:12 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 10 (0x7fcc2a074000) [pid = 4527] [serial = 10] [outer = (nil)] [url = moz-extension://5eef38db-de85-4dbb-b071-21007c96cf22/_generated_background_page.html]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:12.704Z] 12:00:12 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 9 (0x7fcc46233000) [pid = 4527] [serial = 8] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:12.704Z] 12:00:12 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 8 (0x7fcc46231000) [pid = 4527] [serial = 6] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:12.704Z] 12:00:12 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 7 (0x7fcc4622f800) [pid = 4527] [serial = 4] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:12.704Z] 12:00:12 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4527: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 6 (0x7fcc4622d000) [pid = 4527] [serial = 2] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:13.904Z] 12:00:13 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4628: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7fcec22ee400 == 0 [pid = 4628] [id = 0] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:13.920Z] 12:00:13 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4628: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 1 (0x7fced8262c80) [pid = 4628] [serial = 1] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:15.112Z] 12:00:15 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4591: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 2 (0x7fb844004800) [pid = 4591] [serial = 2] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.094Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7f82ede56000 == 4 [pid = 4512] [id = 3] [url =]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.095Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOCSHELL 0x7f82ede4c400 == 3 [pid = 4512] [id = 2] [url =]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.095Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 17 (0x7f82f3f03800) [pid = 4512] [serial = 2] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.096Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 16 (0x7f82ede57000) [pid = 4512] [serial = 11] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.096Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | [Child 4512: Main Thread]: I/DocShellAndDOMWindowLeak --DOMWINDOW == 15 (0x7f82ede4d400) [pid = 4512] [serial = 8] [outer = (nil)] [url = about:blank]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:00:04
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Entering test bound setup
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Leaving test bound setup
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Entering test bound switchBCG
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:00:05
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.193Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.194Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help" {file: "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js" line: 67}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.195Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should be suspended before tab switching -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.195Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 66}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.196Z] 12:00:16 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66:15
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.196Z] 12:00:16 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.197Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.201Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 66}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.201Z] 12:00:16 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66:15
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.202Z] 12:00:16 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.202Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.203Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 66}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.203Z] 12:00:16 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66:15
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.204Z] 12:00:16 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.204Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.205Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 66}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.205Z] 12:00:16 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66:15
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.206Z] 12:00:16 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.206Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.206Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Error: Can't find profile directory." {file: "resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm" line: 66}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.207Z] 12:00:16 INFO - load@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66:15
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.207Z] 12:00:16 INFO - XULStore@resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.208Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.208Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "Unknown Collection "main/partitioning-exempt-urls"" {file: "resource://services-settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm" line: 160}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.208Z] 12:00:16 INFO - UnknownCollectionError@resource://services-settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm:160:5
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.209Z] 12:00:16 INFO - sync@resource://services-settings/RemoteSettingsClient.jsm:470:13
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.209Z] 12:00:16 INFO -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.213Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should be either suspended or not suspended based whether childTab was opened in the same BCG -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:00:10
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "XML Parsing Error: syntax error
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Location:
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Line Number 1, Column 1:" {file: "" line: 1 column: 1 source: "Here the content. But slowly."}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should not be suspended before after the sync XHR is done -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.214Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.217Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.218Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:00:11
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.219Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help" {file: "chrome://mochitests/content/browser/dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js" line: 67}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.219Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should be suspended before tab switching -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.220Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should be either suspended or not suspended based whether childTab was opened in the same BCG -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.220Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages logged at 12:00:16
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.224Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "XML Parsing Error: syntax error
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.224Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Location:
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.224Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Line Number 1, Column 1:" {file: "" line: 1 column: 1 source: "Here the content. But slowly."}]
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.225Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | InputTaskManager should not be suspended before after the sync XHR is done -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.225Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Leaving test bound switchBCG
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.226Z] 12:00:16 INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.227Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | We expect at least one assertion to fail because this test file is marked as fail-if in the manifest. -
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.228Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-INFO | expected FAIL
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.228Z] 12:00:16 INFO - GECKO(4455) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 2843MB | residentFast 322MB | heapAllocated 102MB
[task 2021-01-09T12:00:16.229Z] 12:00:16 INFO - TEST-OK | dom/xhr/tests/browser_sync_xhr_event_handing_switch_bcg.js | took 11732ms
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 3•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Comment 5•4 years ago
bugherder |
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Comment 6•4 years ago
Verified fixed with latest central-to-beta simulation.
Updated•4 years ago