Closed Bug 1688171 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Vuejs Website continuously increases Firefox Ram when DevTools are open


(DevTools :: General, defect)

Firefox 84


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: link1375, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0

Steps to reproduce:

  • Created Website with Vuejs
  • Used the Bootstrap-Vue Plugin, especially the table, which is filled with api request data
  • Installed the Firefox Plugin: Vue Devtools (
  • Keep the Firefox DevTools (console, inspector, ...) open while reloding the page manually

Actual results:

  • The RAM usage for this website (tab) increases with every reload without being cleared

Expected results:

  • The RAM usage schon not increase or at least be cleared after some time.
  • This Problem does not occur, if the Firefox DevTools are CLOSED
  • E.g. In Chrome there is no such a problem

@ link1375, would it be a hassle to provide a link to a test website in order to confirm the problem? It seems a bit too much setup for QA to set the environment and confirm the issue.
As concluded in the expected results, seems that the problem is somewhere around devtools (+/- vue devtools ?), hence moving this to devtools for better investigation.

Component: Untriaged → General
Flags: needinfo?(link1375)
Product: Firefox → DevTools

Hey Adrian. I am really sorry, I cannot provide a link. This is only a local project and also property of the company I am working for.
If I have time I may setup a small github project, but I am not sure, if this will lead to comparable results.

Flags: needinfo?(link1375)

Thanks for the prompt reply. I understand and it's highly likely that a simple vuejs demo might not reflect the problem, since it might be something specific from your project that causes the problem in correlation with devtools.

Julian, do you have any ideas how link1375 could debug this on his side?

Flags: needinfo?(jdescottes)

Hi! There is a known issue with DevTools and memory leaks on reload. You can go to about:memory and use "measure" to confirm that the memory used by DevTools increases. But I doubt we are going to find anything new here.
We are actively working on refactors for fission that will significantly improve the situation. Let's move all the conversation to Bug 1682212 if that's ok

Closed: 4 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(jdescottes)
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

Ok, thanks for the info. I did not found the bug you mentioned when I created mine, otherwise, i would not have opened this one ;)

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