Closed Bug 16896 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

migration will fail if the users 4.x account was a migrated 3.x account


(Core Graveyard :: Profile: Migration, defect, P3)

Mac System 8.5


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sspitzer, Assigned: ccarlen)


(Keywords: platform-parity, Whiteboard: [rtm-] relnote-user)

if you ran 3.x, and then used 4.x to upgrade, you'd end up with a 4.x profile
registry that had this as an entry

<profile name>,alias to the the single 3.x netscape profile directory, something
like "Preferences:Netscape f"  (f is really some special character)

so after the 3.x to 4.x migration, you have

Preferences:Netscape Users:(alias to Preferences:Netscape f named <profile name>"

when you then migrate to 5.x, it fails.

the extra level of indirection seems to cause the failure

adding danm and sdagley to the cc list, they are the ones who found this.

it's mac only.
Target Milestone: M13
Accepting the bug.
Doug, can you help us understand what's causing this problem?
Target Milestone: M13 → M14
where is the code that does this coping?  is it set to resolve aliases?
Keywords: pp
The code is in nsPrefMigration.cpp 
on.cpp#1379). It is using CopyToDir() fo filespec. Does that do resolve on 
aliases ?
here is my best guess without debug (and with less then 3 hours sleep).  Change 

to pass PR_TRUE to resolve alias.

We have pushed having to deal with 4.0x profile information migration to post 
beta, as the number of the users whi will be affected will be significantly 
low. This bug is a mac specific bug suffering from alias problems in the 
process having a 3.x->4.x->5.0 profile information transition. Will look into 
this in post-beta. Setting TFV to M15.

Setting value in nsProfileMigration.cpp to PR_TRUE will probably be a part of 
final solution. At this point, the app is not reaching that point. More debuggin 
g needed.
Target Milestone: M14 → M15
Summary: [PP] migration will fail if the users 4.x account was a migrated 3.x account → migration will fail if the users 4.x account was a migrated 3.x account
Target Milestone: M15 → M17
Target Milestone: M17 → M20
Passing PR_TRUE to resove alias didn't cut it. Not doing it in beta3 unless
product marketing wants us to fix this badly. Moving the milestone to future.
Target Milestone: M20 → Future
adding waldemar to the cc list.
I think we should either fix it or release note a workaround for RTM.
Keywords: rtm
See also bugs 53109 and 52181.  The dumb-user-visible effect of this bug is that 
a user's IE bookmarks are migrated but 4.7.5 bookmarks are not, and it's not 
clear why.
marking rtm-. Not too many people will run into this.
Whiteboard: [rtm-]
We're already getting complaints about this in reviews.
I have found what causes this and it's in nsProfileAccess.cpp. It has to do with
the directory name being converted between unicode and ISO Latin and the special
character gets lost (converted to a '.') in that case. Probably not too hard to fix.
Keywords: relnoteRTM
Whiteboard: [rtm-] → [rtm-] relnote-user
-> Conrad.
Assignee: racham → ccarlen
I believe this is fixed now (as a happy side-affect of some other profile work).
I say "beleive" because I know the ? (option-f) character gets read correctly. I
have tried this with a registry Waldemar sent me which pointed to a profile dir
which contained that char. Whether the contents of the dir would have been
migrated, I don't know. Can somebody verify?
I will try to test this- looking for 3.0 version to install
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla0.8
Grace - check with allclientqa mailing list or slip pages.  I am sure we have
this somewhere.
ckritzer gave me a copy
Ran Navigator 3.x- set bookmarks, mail identity, cookies
Upgraded to 4.0x and above items were 'migrated' 
Upgraded to 4.74 and above items were usable.
Installed 6.0 (trunk build from 1229) and this 3.0->4.0>4.7 profile was silently 
migrated since it was single profile.  N6 came up with bookmarks, cookies and 
One thing to note. I had to install N6 to trigger the migration - just drag/drop 
Profile Manager icon did not show this old profile in Profile Manager list for 
selection (empty list) which I found problematical.
oops,  dragged /dropped Profile Migration icon and it worked.  Conrad, I think 
this is fixed,  tested and verified with 2001010209 build on Mac 9.0
Grace - based on what you said, I'm marking as fixed. Can you verify? Sounds
like you have already but not marked as such.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
verify as noted above
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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