Closed Bug 1690365 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Shift+Reload doesn't reset pinch zoom


(Core :: Panning and Zooming, enhancement)






(Reporter: mkaply, Unassigned)


If you use pinch zoom to zoom in on a page and then reload, the zoom level is kept.

But if you open a new tab and go to that same page, the zoom is not kept.

Reloading a page while zoomed should work the same way as opening a new tab and loading that page. It should reset the zoom.

See bug 1653959 for example of why this is an issue.

Other browsers don't work this way, but I think it's counterintuitive.

The pinch-zoom level is intended to work similar to the scroll position in this respect: if you scroll halfway down a page and reload, your scroll position is preserved, but if you load the same page in a new tab, the scroll position starts at the top.

However, a force-reload should clear both. If a force-reload does not clear the pinch-zoom level (which is what bug 1653959 comment 16 suggests), I would consider that a bug.

Shift+Reload is definitely not resetting it for me.

I'll morph this bug into that.

That begs the question, is there a programmatic way to do shift+Reload (which is what this kiosk needs).

Summary: Reloading a webpage should reset pinch zoom → Shift+Reload doesn't reset pinch zoom

And of course now it's working for me. For some reason, in one of my pinch zooms, it actually changed the zoom on the page (I saw 260% in the URL bar).

That preserved.

But then other pinches do not. I don't really understand why sometimes pinch zoom affects page zoom and sometimes it doesn't.

This is working for me now. I can't recreate again.

I'm investigating how to reset scroll/zoom for kiosk mode only in the other bug.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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