Closed Bug 1692117 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Migrate data-shared and beam to modern terraform


(Data Platform and Tools Graveyard :: Operations, task, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whd, Assigned: whd)



(Whiteboard: [dataplatform])

This is a long time coming, and blocks pub/sub lite and flex template initiatives. The main blocker in bug #1682749 should be resolved next week, but there is a bunch of modernization that needs to be done to the data-shared resources module, as well as replacing the existing bigquery and beam modules with the ones currently homed in data-pioneer. We should leverage update-modules to automatically apply ACL updates as appropriate, and hopefully consolidate sandbox-permissions into resources as a result.

An ancillary goal should be removing deprecated access-groups logic.

The 0.11 exception should be removed form cloudops-infra CI for these projects as well.

I've finally started work on this in The plan is to use a separate terraform state during development and do a GCS state swap after all the pieces have been upgraded.

Points: --- → 3

An update is perhaps in order. I have finished porting and modernizing the data-shared resources module in the above branch, which is the majority of the tricky work. I plan to work on beam and data-shared bigquery modules next, the latter of which should be relatively simple since most of the testing and debugging for that was done in bug #1682749 and deployments of mozdata already use it.

There is still a fair amount of cleanup work and deprecation that needs to be done following the above, but I am hopeful to complete the modernization work in the next few weeks.

Whiteboard: [data-platform-infra-wg]

The new data-shared bigquery module is now fully compatible with the old deployment and stage applies cleanly as a no-op. beam is next.

All of stage is now configured to use terraform 0.14+. This required some significant performance tuning in the bigquery module that has been cherry-picked into the default branch already:

I've filed for the stage changes. I plan to develop a prod PR before commencing with various cleanup PRs to remove the 0.11 stack configuration, and also remove myriad unused resources observed while working on this bug. migrated prod BQ earlier in the week and the final PR for prod in will likely be merged tomorrow, after which I'm considering this work complete. There is a bunch of cleanup work that will need to be done but I plan to move tracking of that to JIRA.

This work is complete.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Data Platform and Tools → Data Platform and Tools Graveyard
Whiteboard: [data-platform-infra-wg] → [dataplatform]
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