Open Bug 1692434 Opened 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Group all media simulation UI


(DevTools :: Inspector, task)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: nchevobbe, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


As new prefers-* media make their way into specs, it would be nice for DevTools to allow user to simulate those easily, like we already do for print and color scheme.
For now, we have dedicated buttons in the rule view, but that won't scale if we add more of them.
We should think of some UI where we could group those.

One bit of user feedback with the same idea:

Personally I’m wondering if it should live in the Rules panel, where it can end up out of view (especially in 2-pane mode if you go to a different tab like Layout or Fonts). Some other possible locations:

  1. A dedicated panel in the toolbox.
  2. A dedicated tab in Inspector (same level as Fonts, Animations…).
  3. As a button above the DOM view in Inspector (e.g. near the color picker).
  4. As a button in the toolbox (near the RDM button).
  5. As a button in the RDM toolbar (next to, or in place of, the touch emulation button).

I created to discuss the UI there. Once we've settled on one, we should discuss its implementation here.

Furthermore, I think this is one part of bug 1137699, so I've marked it as a blocker.

I hope both things are ok!


Blocks: 1137699
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