Open Bug 1693100 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Improve how to create the updatebot container w.r.t installing pip/poetry


(Developer Infrastructure :: Mach Vendor & Updatebot, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: tjr, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Bug 1692400 landed a quick-fix, but we should follow up and pin the pip version and add a requirements.txt for poetry.

Re-assigning bugs to the new Mach Vendor and Updatebot Component. Guid for this change: ade7b229-ec85-41f8-bafe-9d4451bfeed1

Group: core-security
Component: General → Mach Vendor & Updatebot
Product: Release Engineering → Developer Infrastructure

A mass updatebot change inadvertently added a security group to bugs. Removing it. Guid for this change: 09d63db4-11a1-4820-a398-d718f112f885

Group: core-security
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