Bug 169365
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
"GRE is running" warning if Mozilla is running
(Core Graveyard :: Installer: GRE, defect, P3)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: ssu0262)
If Mozilla is running when installing GRE I get a "GRE is running" alert.
Updated•22 years ago
Component: Installer → Installer: GRE
Comment 1•22 years ago
This is sort of as designed. We really do not want multiple installers running
simultaneously. Are you suggesting changing behavior, or changing the message
(that doesn't seem like a bad idea).
Comment 3•22 years ago
Curt, Henrik, this message might be equivalent to requiring users to close
Mozilla (or Netscape) before starting a new installation. If a GRE-based app is
we might want to do the same thing and force the user to close it before
installing, unistalling or any other equally dangerous activity ;-)
Reporter | ||
Comment 4•22 years ago
Cant we just change the text. "A Gecko thingy is running" or something.
Comment 6•22 years ago
Mozilla 1.3b, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.3b)
Gecko/20030210, Windows 2000
I hit this bug as I installed a fresh Mozilla 1.3b and upon it's maiden voyage,
I ran the GRE installer.
The GRE installer prompted me to shut down the running instance of mozilla,
which I agreed to, and the GRE installer proceeded to shut down the exisiting
instance after notifying me about Quicklaunch.
After GRE installation completed, I relaunched Mozilla and was greeted by the
profile manager. The Default profile was selected and I clicked Start Mozilla.
Instead of Mozilla, I was surprised by an alert which read:
"Mozilla cannot use the profile "default" because it is in use.
Please choose another profile or create a new one."
Mozilla's Quicklaunch was not running when I tried the 2nd launch and a Mozilla
wasn't visible within the Windows environment, nor was Mozilla listed in Task
Manager>Applications. I could only start Mozilla after I killed the mozilla.exe
process still listed in Task Manager>Processes.
I have uninstalled and this is repeatable. Would any patch applied toward
this bug touch upon this manifestation of this bug, or should I file a new one?
what you're seeing is a different (but related) bug, probably bug 190816.
Comment 8•22 years ago
Change text from "GRE..." to "The Gecko Runtime Environment is in use..."
Severity: normal → minor
Priority: -- → P3
Updated•17 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Comment 9•13 years ago
The GRE installer is long dead
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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