Open Bug 1697561 Opened 4 years ago Updated 6 months ago

Android emulator loses EGL context during tests


(Core :: Graphics: WebRender, defect, P3)





(Reporter: aosmond, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Attached file failure

Adding an assert to trip if we lose WebRender during a test shows this sometimes happens during Android tests:

03-10 13:58:02.109 20507 20524 D GeckoViewContentDelegateChild[C]: handleEvent: DOMContentLoaded
03-10 13:58:02.115 20507 20524 D GeckoViewContent[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
03-10 13:58:02.116 20507 20524 D GeckoViewAutofill[C]: handleEvent: pageshow
03-10 13:58:02.127 20478 20493 D GeckoViewContent: handleEvent: pagetitlechanged
03-10 13:58:02.131 20478 20542 E eglCodecCommon: glUtilsParamSize: unknow param 0x00008caa
03-10 13:58:02.137  1617  2085 I ActivityManager: Process org.mozilla.geckoview.test:tab1 (pid 20750) has died
03-10 13:58:02.137  1617  2085 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 20750
03-10 13:58:02.140 20478 20493 D GeckoViewContent: observe: ipc:content-shutdown
03-10 13:58:02.140 20478 20497 I Gecko   : [Parent 20478, Unnamed thread 78075b11fce0] WARNING: waitpid failed pid:20750 errno:10: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/chromium/src/base/
03-10 13:58:02.146 20478 20493 D GeckoViewNavigation: handleOpenUri: uri=about:blank where=3 flags=0
03-10 13:58:02.147 20478 20478 D GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:OnLoadRequest uri=about:blank
03-10 13:58:02.149 20478 20493 D GeckoViewNavigation: handleNewSession: uri=about:blank where=3 flags=0
03-10 13:58:02.149 20478 20478 D GeckoSession: handleMessage GeckoView:OnNewSession uri=about:blank
03-10 13:58:02.150 20478 20493 D GeckoViewModule: dispatch GeckoView:WebExtension:SetTabActive, data={"active":false}
03-10 13:58:02.150 20478 20493 D GeckoViewTab: onEvent: event=GeckoView:WebExtension:SetTabActive, data={"active":false}
03-10 13:58:02.151 20478 20493 I Gecko   : nsWindow[0x78072ef5f600]::Create 0x0 [0 0 1 1]
03-10 13:58:02.152 20478 20542 W libEGL  : EGLNativeWindowType 0x780761521810 disconnect failed
03-10 13:58:02.152 20478 20542 I Gecko   : Destroying context 0x780761432d00 surface 0x0 on display 0x1
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20542 E libEGL  : call to OpenGL ES API with no current context (logged once per thread)
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20542 I Gecko   : [GFX1-]: Device reporting insufficient max texture size (0)
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20542 E webrender::renderer: Device reporting insufficient max texture size (0)
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20542 W webrender_bindings::bindings:  Failed to create a Renderer: MaxTextureSize
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20542 I Gecko   : [GFX1-]: wr_window_new: MaxTextureSize
03-10 13:58:02.157 20478 20493 I Gecko   : [GFX1-]: Failed to connect WebRenderBridgeChild.
03-10 13:58:02.158 20478 20551 I Gecko   : [Parent 20478, Unnamed thread 78074865acd0] WARNING: Possibly dropping task posted to updater thread: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/gfx/layers/apz/src/APZUpdater.cpp:370
03-10 13:58:02.158 20478 20493 F MOZ_Assert: Assertion failure: !WebRenderEnvvarEnabled(), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.cpp:3306

03-10 13:58:02.152 20478 20542 I Gecko : Destroying context 0x780761432d00 surface 0x0 on display 0x1 is of particular note since this gets printed when the GL context is freed. Android should be using the shared context, which only gets cleared on shutdown (for Android). Is this a race shutting down or restarting Firefox in the emulator?

Blocks: wr-todos
No longer blocks: wr-android-testing
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