Closed Bug 1697867 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Google Meet consumes a lot of CPU on Mac


(Core :: WebRTC, defect, P2)




Performance Impact ?


(Reporter: ekr, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf:resource-use)

Katherine Bose reports that Meet consumes a lot of CPU on mac. Can someone please investigate?

I was in a Meet meeting today with 6 participants and it consumed about 20% CPU on my 2018 MBP, which I would consider fairly reasonable.

But we are planing on reaching out to the performance team to get help investigating what parts of our code could be optimize.

Severity: -- → S3
OS: Unspecified → macOS
Priority: -- → P2
Blocks: webrtc-perf

Setting this to P1 for investigation and analysis so we can determine its true impact to the user.

Priority: P2 → P1

Reverting this to P2 since we're not currently getting feedback on this issue.

Priority: P1 → P2

I'm happy to provide more information as needed.
From experience, the CPU usage bounces between 40+% but stable and 100% and dropping frames, transmitting robot voice.
The things that trigger the 100% usage for me are - using a usb attached mic and switching focus away from the firefox window.

Is there something I can monitor to provide more info and narrow down the problem?
(for comparison, chrome is super-smooth in the same environment, with the same devices)

Issues happen for me on darwin 21.3.0 with ff 97.0.1

(In reply to Stanislaw Pitucha from comment #4)

Is there something I can monitor to provide more info and narrow down the problem?

You can look at about:processes to see which process is using the CPU. You can also see which threads if you use a Nightly, or set toolkit.aboutProcesses.showThreads to true from about:config.

Capturing and sharing here a profile with the Firefox Profiler ( would also help understand what's happening.

The attachment upload fails for me for some reason, so here's the screenshot of about:processes during the call:
This time it was without a usb attached mic - turned out to be a red herring. I didn't get a robot voice, just lots of dropped frames and everything was super slow.

Performance Impact: --- → ?

I'll try to follow up with the profiler results, but won't be able to do that for at least 2 weeks. If anyone else can do it in the meantime, please do.

Another screenshot with the main process threads visible:

(In reply to Stanislaw Pitucha from comment #8)

Thanks for the about:processes screenshots!

I'll try to follow up with the profiler results, but won't be able to do that for at least 2 weeks. If anyone else can do it in the meantime, please do.

If you already have the issue visible in about:processes, capturing a profile is a single click (if you are on Nightly; if not you will need to set toolkit.aboutProcesses.showProfilerIcons to true from about:config). There's a profiler icon appearing when you hover the process name (" (1343)" in your screenshot). Click it, and 5s later a profiler tab will open, from which you can easily upload the profile.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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