Open Bug 1698708 Opened 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Enable easy (single checkbox) click telemetry opt out


(Toolkit :: Telemetry, enhancement, P5)





(Reporter: u673061, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

Attached image Chrome_Welcome.png

Reason for this feature request:

All versions of Chrome (Stable, Beta, Dev and Canary) on all platforms supports telemetry opt out with only one checkbox before the browser first start, which is very convenient and transparent.

However, Mozilla Firefox has yet to implement this. By creating this feature request, the users will be more aware of the data collection. This includes all versions of Firefox on all platforms. It is really the time for Firefox to inform users what it would do, such as setting as the default browser, as well as sending telemetry (especially marketing) data to Mozilla before the first start. This is both an enhancement to privacy and user experience, as well as stepping closer to the GDPR.

My approach is: If the end user declines the Privacy Notice, Firefox [insert platform here] will either uninstall itself or refuse to start the main execution (in case of iOS and MacOS where auto-uninstall is not possible). In that way, the end user must accept the Privacy Notice before starting Firefox [insert platform here].

It would be really appreciated if this feature request is accepted.

Chrome Android welcome screen, note the circled part which allows users to instantly opt out of data collection.

I'm setting a more suitable component in order to involve the dev team in reviewing this feature request.

Thank you for your contribution!

Component: Messaging System → Telemetry
Ever confirmed: true
Product: Firefox → Toolkit

I have some good news for you! If at any time you opt out of sending telemetry, Firefox (any platform) sends a deletion order for all the data associated with that Firefox profile. This means you don't have to decide right when starting to use Firefox whether you want to share information about how Firefox is performing for you: you can decide at any time. When (or if) you opt out, any data we have gets deleted.

If you decide to opt out just after installing, then we don't have anything to delete. And if you use Firefox for a while and then aren't sure you want Mozilla to continue considering how quickly pages load for your Firefox or how many tabs you like having open, you can opt out then and all that information will be deleted.

That's not exactly what you're asking for, though. I'm not sure what would be involved in adding UI like the one you proposed to all of the different Firefox products. Mikal's the name that comes to mind as most likely to know what would be needed there, so I'll ask him for more info via needinfo.

Flags: needinfo?(mlewis)

(( In "where should this bug live" I'm not sure what component would be ideal for this, but Toolkit::Telemetry won't be it. Telemetry (and Glean) already supports whatever UI the product chooses to provide to the user. I'll wait to hear back from Product about what might be a good place to move this to. ))

It has been two months, any news from the Product team?

Lemme send an email. Not everyone watches their bugmail.

Blocks: 1704344
No longer blocks: 1704344

Moving this to a more suitable component: as stated, this is a product-specific decision rather than a data collection system-specific decision.

Component: Telemetry → General
Product: Toolkit → Firefox

Thanks for the suggestion! We'll add this to our backlog of ideas for now.

Component: General → Telemetry
Flags: needinfo?(mlewis)
Priority: -- → P5
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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