Open Bug 1699739 Opened 3 years ago Updated 10 months ago

Fail in submitting files to virustotal


(SeaMonkey :: Web Compatibility, defect)

SeaMonkey 2.53 Branch
Windows 7


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ef, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.8

Steps to reproduce:

Go to and select "chose file"

Actual results:

Almost nothing. Selecting a file works, but then the "chose file" button is gone and that's it. For known files, the the results page comes up after a couple minutes.

Expected results:

The "chose file" button should switch to "compute hash" followed by "confirm upload" for unknown hashes. Used to work until a couple days ago and still works in firefox 86.0.1 (64-Bit).
Seamonkey version in use: 2.53.8b1pre German from 2021-03-18 and prior builds, OS: Windows 7-X64.

I am not sure whether I understand all details of the report. But I see that my installation of unofficial (by wg9s) De SeaMonkey 2.53.8 beta 1 pre Mozilla/5.0 (NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/60.0 Build 20210227220003 (Newly created User Profile, Default Classic Theme) on German WIN7 64bit works the same way like Chromium Version 85.0.4161.0 (Entwickler-Build) (64-Bit):

  1. on]( click [chose file]
  2. Select a file via WIN Files Explorer (I selected installer for above mentioned SM)
    » Expected: File will become uploaded, checked and result list will appear
    Actual: as expected 👍

What is your result with newly created user profile via Menu ˋTools → Switch User Profile → Manager User Profiles → ...ˊ?

OS: Unspecified → Windows 7

Even using that same version (Build 2021027220003) and a fresh profile, the upload won't start for me. There are a couple warnings in the error console, but nothing at the time of the upload attempt.
Ah... but I found your error in replicating the bug: Said file is known to virustotal, as i've been uploading all daily sm 2.53 win64-de installer builds for the last year or more. Try another build, e.g. the matching zip version. For me, the main error only happens if the file is unknown to virustotal and thus must be uploaded. If it is known, it looks like the hash is computed in the background and then the results page from the last scan is displayed. That date is displayed on the results page, in this case: 2021-02-28 07:14:58 UTC 23 days ago
There is no actual upload, just the hash is being checked against the vt database!

Addendum: The filename on VT for this file is "", the date string inside is from my archive.

Needs Custom Elements so you can leave this bug open or not but it won't working soon.

Component: General → Web Compatibility

Usability of VT with seamonkey has deteriorated further. It won't even show the "chose file" button anymore.

Tried it again today, and the situation has improved. Was able to upload a file, had to reload the page once it was starting the analysis but was then presented with the result. I'm not able to close the chatbot window, though.

Build-Identificator: 20230725210001 (WG9S win64 DE daily build from July 25th, 2023)

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