Closed Bug 1701166 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Perma raptor-main Critical: TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL: no raptor test results were found for youtube-playback-*-sfr


(Testing :: Raptor, defect, P5)



(firefox-esr78 unaffected, firefox87 unaffected, firefox88 unaffected, firefox89 fixed)

89 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- unaffected
firefox87 --- unaffected
firefox88 --- unaffected
firefox89 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: sparky, NeedInfo)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure)


(1 file)

Filed by: archaeopteryx [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

The youtube playback tests for fenix get stuck at

raptor-browsertime Info: Waiting 3000 ms for data from benchmark...

They ran successful for the same commit a day earlier.```

Looks like fenix is crashing while it tries to setup a codec:

3-26 05:30:09.095  1533  2034 I ActivityManager: Start proc 10247:org.mozilla.fenix:media/u0a118 for service org.mozilla.fenix/
03-26 05:30:09.283 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.283 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.288 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.288 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.292 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.292 10247 10258 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.325 10247 10258 I VideoCapabilities: Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
03-26 05:30:09.330 10247 10258 I MediaCodec: isType=false encoder=false
03-26 05:30:09.331 10247 10258 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) init name( isType(0) encoder(0)
03-26 05:30:09.333   740  2298 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
03-26 05:30:09.334 10247 10263 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
03-26 05:30:09.336   737  1207 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
03-26 05:30:09.339 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) Component Allocated (
03-26 05:30:09.340 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) configure surface(0x0) crypto(0x0) flags(0)
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) configure format: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:       string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:       Buffer csd-0 = {
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:         00000000:  12 10                                             ..
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:       }
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:       int32_t channel-count = 2
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:       int32_t sample-rate = 44100
03-26 05:30:09.341 10247 10258 D MediaCodec:     }
03-26 05:30:09.347 10247 10259 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) start
03-26 05:30:09.354 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) input buffers allocated
03-26 05:30:09.354 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) numBuffers (4)
03-26 05:30:09.354 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) output buffers allocated
03-26 05:30:09.354 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) numBuffers (4)
03-26 05:30:09.365 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: isType=false encoder=false
03-26 05:30:09.366 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) init name( isType(0) encoder(0)
03-26 05:30:09.366   737 10264 I SoftAAC2: Reconfiguring decoder: 0->44100 Hz, 0->2 channels
03-26 05:30:09.368   740   740 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
03-26 05:30:09.369 10247 10269 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
03-26 05:30:09.371   737  1091 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
03-26 05:30:09.373   737  1091 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock acquired
03-26 05:30:09.373   737  1091 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=12
03-26 05:30:09.385   737  1091 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=12
03-26 05:30:09.386 10247 10268 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) Component Allocated (
03-26 05:30:09.386   740  2298 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected addResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.387 10247 10268 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
03-26 05:30:09.389 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) output buffers allocated
03-26 05:30:09.389 10247 10263 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) numBuffers (4)
03-26 05:30:09.389 10247 10266 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706433 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.389 10247 10266 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile 2130706434 for video/avc
03-26 05:30:09.390 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) configure surface(0xac34c700) crypto(0x0) flags(0)
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) configure format: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-height = 1080
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t width = 2560
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t height = 1440
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       string mime = "video/avc"
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-width = 1920
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:     }
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10268 I MediaCodec: [] setting surface generation to 10492929
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec: (0xac32e000) [] output format changed to: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:       string mime = "audio/raw"
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:       int32_t channel-count = 2
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:       int32_t sample-rate = 44100
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:       int32_t pcm-encoding = 2
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:       int32_t bit-width = 16
03-26 05:30:09.392 10247 10263 D MediaCodec:     }
03-26 05:30:09.394   737  1082 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Extension: not implemented
03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ACodec  : DRC Mode: Dynamic Buffer Mode
03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoDecoder()
03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ACodec  : [] setupVideoDecoder Width Height (2560x1440)
03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ACodec  : mime (video/avc) compressionFormat (7)
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Set Resolution failed
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting buffer requirements (format) failed -1
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting buffer requirements (reqbufs) failed -1
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: set_parameter: Error: 0x80001000, setting param 0x2000001
03-26 05:30:09.400   737   967 E OMXNodeInstance: setParameter(2e10059:qcom.decoder.avc, ParamPortDefinition(0x2000001)) ERROR: InsufficientResources(0x80001000)
03-26 05:30:09.400 10247 10269 E ACodec  : [] configureCodec returning error -12
03-26 05:30:09.400 10247 10269 E ACodec  : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -12)
03-26 05:30:09.400 10247 10268 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xfffffff4, actionCode 0, while in state 3
03-26 05:30:09.401 10247 10266 E MediaCodec: configure failed with err 0xfffffff4, resetting...
03-26 05:30:09.401 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) release
03-26 05:30:09.402   737  1207 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete
03-26 05:30:09.403   737  1207 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Exit OMX vdec Destructor: fd=12
03-26 05:30:09.403   737  1207 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock released
03-26 05:30:09.405   740  1056 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected removeResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.406 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) init name( isType(0) encoder(0)
03-26 05:30:09.408   740  2298 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
03-26 05:30:09.408 10247 10269 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
03-26 05:30:09.410   737   967 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
03-26 05:30:09.412   737   967 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: Video slvp perflock acquired
03-26 05:30:09.412   737   967 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: component_init: : fd=12
03-26 05:30:09.421   737   967 I OMX-VDEC-1080P: omx_vdec::component_init() success : fd=12
03-26 05:30:09.421 10247 10268 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) Component Allocated (
03-26 05:30:09.422   740   970 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected addResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.422   740   970 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected reclaimResource call with invalid callingPid.
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: codec creation error
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec:$CodecException: Error 0xfffffff4
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at Method)
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at$Stub.onTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 W GeckoRemoteCodec: unable to configure Try next.
03-26 05:30:09.424 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: isType=false encoder=false
03-26 05:30:09.425 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) init name( isType(0) encoder(0)
03-26 05:30:09.427   740  1057 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
03-26 05:30:09.428 10247 10277 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
03-26 05:30:09.430   737  1091 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
03-26 05:30:09.432 10247 10276 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) Component Allocated (
03-26 05:30:09.432   740  1056 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected addResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.433 10247 10276 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) configure surface(0xac34d500) crypto(0x0) flags(0)
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) configure format: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-height = 1080
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t width = 2560
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t height = 1440
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       string mime = "video/avc"
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-width = 1920
03-26 05:30:09.436 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:     }
03-26 05:30:09.438 10247 10276 I MediaCodec: [] setting surface generation to 10492930
03-26 05:30:09.440   737   737 W OMXNodeInstance: [2e1005b:google.h264.decoder] component does not support metadata mode; using fallback
03-26 05:30:09.440 10247 10277 E ACodec  : [] storeMetaDataInBuffers failed w/ err -1010
03-26 05:30:09.440 10247 10277 I ACodec  : [] prepareForAdaptivePlayback(1920x1080)
03-26 05:30:09.440 10247 10277 I ACodec  : DRC Mode: Adaptive Mode
03-26 05:30:09.440 10247 10277 I ExtendedACodec: setupVideoDecoder()
03-26 05:30:09.440 10247 10277 I ACodec  : [] setupVideoDecoder Width Height (2560x1440)
03-26 05:30:09.441 10247 10277 I ACodec  : mime (video/avc) compressionFormat (7)
03-26 05:30:09.444 10247 10277 E ACodec  : Wrong cropped rect (0, 0) - (2560, 1440) vs. frame (1920, 1080)
03-26 05:30:09.444 10247 10277 E ACodec  : [] configureCodec returning error -22
03-26 05:30:09.444 10247 10277 E ACodec  : signalError(omxError 0x80001001, internalError -22)
03-26 05:30:09.445 10247 10276 E MediaCodec: Codec reported err 0xffffffea, actionCode 0, while in state 3
03-26 05:30:09.445 10247 10266 E MediaCodec: configure failed with err 0xffffffea, resetting...
03-26 05:30:09.446 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) release
03-26 05:30:09.448   740   970 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected removeResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.450 10247 10266 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) init name( isType(0) encoder(0)
03-26 05:30:09.452   740  1056 I MediaPlayerService: MediaPlayerService::getOMX
03-26 05:30:09.453 10247 10277 I OMXClient: MuxOMX ctor
03-26 05:30:09.455   737   967 I OMXMaster: makeComponentInstance( in mediacodec process
03-26 05:30:09.457 10247 10276 I MediaCodec: (0xac32e280) Component Allocated (
03-26 05:30:09.458   740   740 E ResourceManagerService: Rejected addResource call with invalid pid.
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: codec creation error
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at Method)
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at$Stub.onTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 W GeckoRemoteCodec: unable to configure Try next.
03-26 05:30:09.460  9558 10241 I Gecko   : [Child 9558, Unnamed thread 837d2600] WARNING: Decoder=80985440 Decode error: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR (0x806e0005): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/media/MediaDecoderStateMachine.cpp:3478
03-26 05:30:09.461  9558  9589 I Gecko   : console.log: "TestExecutor:  Test 24:PlaybackPerfH2641440p30fps@0.5X FAILED "
03-26 05:30:09.463  9558  9589 I Gecko   : console.log: "PlaybackPerfH2641440p30fps@0.5X:  video.currentTime = 0 "
03-26 05:30:09.464  9558  9589 I Gecko   : console.log: "PlaybackPerfH2641440p30fps@0.5X:  video.readyState = 1 "
03-26 05:30:09.465  9558  9589 I Gecko   : console.log: "PlaybackPerfH2641440p30fps@0.5X:  video.networkState = 1 "
03-26 05:30:09.467  9558  9589 I Gecko   : console.log: "TestExecutor:  Test threw an error: Test failure: The video playback was aborted due to a corruption problem or because the video used features your browser did not support. "

Here's the most relevant part:

03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: codec creation error
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at Method)
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at$Stub.onTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 E GeckoRemoteCodec: 	at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
03-26 05:30:09.459 10247 10266 W GeckoRemoteCodec: unable to configure Try next.
03-26 05:30:09.460  9558 10241 I Gecko   : [Child 9558, Unnamed thread 837d2600] WARNING: Decoder=80985440 Decode error: NS_ERROR_DOM_MEDIA_FATAL_ERR (0x806e0005): file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/media/MediaDecoderStateMachine.cpp:3478

:mcomella, can you look into this further? It looks like an android components update happened between the time it passsed and failed:

Flags: needinfo?(michael.l.comella)

:bryce, maybe you have some thoughts on where this issue might be coming from?

Flags: needinfo?(bvandyk)

John, do you have any insight?

My thoughts are pretty limited: we're failing to setup a decoder. It looks like it's unhappy here

03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ACodec  : [] setupVideoDecoder Width Height (2560x1440)
03-26 05:30:09.394 10247 10269 I ACodec  : mime (video/avc) compressionFormat (7)
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Set Resolution failed
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting buffer requirements (format) failed -1
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: Setting buffer requirements (reqbufs) failed -1
03-26 05:30:09.399   737   967 E OMX-VDEC-1080P: set_parameter: Error: 0x80001000, setting param 0x2000001

a little further up we have

03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec: (0xac32e140) configure format: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-height = 1080
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t width = 2560
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t height = 1440
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       string mime = "video/avc"
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:       int32_t max-width = 1920
03-26 05:30:09.391 10247 10266 D MediaCodec:     }

I note that the width and height are both greater than the respective max values, which could be a concern.

I don't know this code well, so based on the above I'd think we're trying to create a decoder and/or buffer while not respecting some constraints. However, that doesn't explain why this used to work (I suppose an underlying component could impose those constraints and that could have changed.) This is also largely speculation on my behalf based entirely on the logs.

Flags: needinfo?(bvandyk) → needinfo?(jolin)

Is this a regression from bug 1690746? It's part of the changes for which this failure hit the first time on mozilla-central.

Flags: needinfo?(aionescu)

Bebe, this is worth looking into.

Flags: needinfo?(fstrugariu)

:Alex we need to take a look and see why we don't get a crash report here

Flags: needinfo?(fstrugariu)

The java.lang.IllegalArgumentException is also part of successful tasks.

Do the youtube playback tests set the information in the session storage and in the desired format? Searching the source downloaded from doesn't yield any matches for benchmark_results.

No, it doesn't AFAIK

But if that's the issue, it should be a perma.
Edit: oh, it's perma.
The question is why not all ytp mobile tests perma fail?

All mobile youtube-playback tests fail permanently (fenix). The push in comment 0 has each task executed twice because there hadn't been any new pushes between 2 cron scheduled runs and only the later one pulled the new mozilla-central code which has the code from 1690746.

The fail is because adb doesn't find remote_dir and executes the return statement before the crash gets the chance to be logged.

Sparky, I presume the fail is because browsertime doesn't know how to read the results from the youtube-playback tests. I don't know how to modify the source code to fix that.

Flags: needinfo?(aionescu) → needinfo?(gmierz2)
Flags: needinfo?(gmierz2)
Regressed by: 1690746

I've updated the perf-youtube-playback repo with the fix:

I'll have a patch up for fixing the issues on the mozilla-central/fenix side shortly.

Assignee: nobody → gmierz2
Pushed by
Fix how youtube-playback test results are parsed in browsertime. r=perftest-reviewers,davehunt

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1690746

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 89 Branch

:mcomella, can you look into this further? It looks like an android components update happened between the time it passsed and failed:

Sorry, I must have overlooked this NI but it looks completed now.

Flags: needinfo?(michael.l.comella)
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


