Bug 170172
Opened 22 years ago
Closed 22 years ago
a second cookie conformation dialog's for one site is not placed correctly on screen
(Core :: Networking: Cookies, defect, P4)
of bug 173844
(Reporter: mvl, Assigned: morse)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20020919
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20020919
When you have set mozilla to ask you before storing a cookie, the dialog that
pops up should be centered in the browser windwo. The first dialog does that.
But when a second cookie is set, that dialog is not placed correctly.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. set mozilla ta ask before sotring a cookie
2. visit a site which sets at least 2 cookies, like
3. deny the first cookie
Actual Results:
second dialog is not centered to the window
Expected Results:
dialog centered
On my computer (linux running enlightenment), when the first dialogs pop's up,
that dialog gets focus. When I close that dialog, focus is not returned to the
browser. Now the second dialog pops up. The code for that dialog ask what te
active window is, to use as parent for the dialog. As no window is active, the
dialog has no parent, en thus is centered on the screen instead of the window.
The problem in fixing this is that I don't know of a way to as via nsIPrompt for
eaither the parent of that prompt, or to open a dialog with custum xul.
So I see 3 options:
1. Make it possible to ask the parent via nsIPrompt
2. Make DoDialog accessible via idl
3. From the networking lib, instead of passing aPrompter, pass aParent to the
cookie library.
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Updated•22 years ago
Ever confirmed: true
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Comment 1•22 years ago
I will try to do this myself.
Assignee | ||
Comment 2•22 years ago
Michiel, did you mean to assign the bug to yourself?
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Comment 3•22 years ago
Yes, I ment that. I have already tried some things. I have a patch for option 2
(not complete checked and commented)
But I would want to know which options is the best. I can see there are some
other compontents involved.
Assignee | ||
Comment 4•22 years ago
Michiel, without looking into this in much more detail, I have no idea which of
your suggestions would be best. But I would imagine that the best thing would
be to find out why the browser did not get focus returned to it after the first
dialog window was dismissed.
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Comment 5•22 years ago
It seems to be a windowmanager issue. I tried it with openbox instead of
enlightenment, and it works as expected. The main windows gets focus before the
second dialog appears, and the dialog is plced correctly.
Assignee | ||
Updated•22 years ago
Priority: -- → P4
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.3beta
Assignee | ||
Comment 6•22 years ago
*** Bug 150628 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7•22 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 173844 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 8•22 years ago
bug 173844 has a good description of the problem.
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